Monday 10 August 2015

Review: White Formula Intense Brightening Toner with Tranexamic Acid!

Need an 'Intense Brightening Toner'? For the majority of ladies having 'good' skin is important and when I say 'good' in Asia it usually refers to skin that's smooth and light in color. Another huge thing is skin that lacks pigmentation spots and scars which is of no surprise to me! Growing up the ladies in my family were always using skincare and people in the media usually had great fair complexions!

'Tranexamic Acid' has been an ingredient used in several asian brands which I've used that is meant to prevent melanin production and hence preventing new unwanted hyper pigmentation. Since I'm a huge user of toners and I do want to prevent pigmentation spots I decided to give this a go!

Continue below for the full review!
White Formula Intense Brightening Toner with Tranexamic Acid!
White Formula Intense Brightening Toner with Tranexamic Acid!
Similar to many other brands from Asia, this product boasted different ingredients and acids that are suppose to brighten, whiten as well as intensely moisturize the skin. I was sucked in by the lightening claims as I do have some hyperpigmentation on my cheeks bones that I would like gone.

White Formula Intense Brightening Toner with Tranexamic Acid! This product and the brand are from Taiwan!
Packaging & Product!

I really liked the simple, clean design of the products from the White Formula line. They all look straight forward and almost slightly medical. The size of the bottle was also much larger than average at 290ml so I thought I was getting a total bargain for my buck! There's really nothing to note about the packaging, although you'd probably want to transfer product to a smaller bottle if you're traveling.

This toner was not what I was expecting and not in a good way. Whenever I've had a product that uses the word 'toner' I expect a product that will strip oil and maybe feel astringent, maybe have alcohol but definitely a product that leaves the skin feeling free of excess oil and clean. I've used many toners that are alcohol free and have been satisfied, this product however I felt was totally misnamed. It should have been sold as a 'softener' and not a toner.

I'll explain further. In asia, a softener a product used in place of a toner for those who don't have oily skin, who need more moisture. It's a water consistency but softeners always have a slight serum like texture, in other words, slightly slimy, never just like a water. This product ended up being very slimy and didn't leave my skin with that cooling clean feeling but slightly tacky and dewy which I don't like.

The product itself is nice and would leave your skin feeling cleansed, soft and smelling lovely if your skin was dry or normal but not for my oilier skin. I really felt mislead by the name as I expect a toner to strip oils and leave my skin dry. I tried my best to use as much of this product but ended up throwing it out after using half of the bottle.

White Formula Intense Brightening Toner with Tranexamic Acid!
Paid: $21.90 SGD or about $15.80 USD

Recommend:No, especially if you're expecting a typical astringent toner that will strip oil and leave your skin matte, this won't be what you need. Yes, if you've got dryer skin and what something that will leave your skin soft and dewy.

Repurchase: Nope. This just isn't what my skin needs. I want a toner to strip oil. I've tried softeners before but this one is really too slimy in texture!

Bottom line: A product that really should be sold as a 'softener'. It leaves your skin feeling soft and dewy but the very slimy texture of the product is a huge put off and would be best for those with dryer skin. It's totally not what I'm looking for!

Do you prefer using toners or softeners in your routine?
Do you have products with tranexamic acid?
Let me know!

Feel free to comment!
Thank you!


  1. ohh i need a toner that strips oil as well. Sorry to hear it didn't work out for you!

  2. I rarely use a toner. Instead, I would pat my SK-II Treatment Essence to help hydrate my skin. Sorry to learn that the product didn't work for you. Happy SG50, my dear! xoxo

  3. I have dry skin but not sure if I'd like a slimy toner either!

  4. That sounds like something I would love, since I'm a huge fan of the softening toners. I never heard of the ingredient Tranexamic Acid before, but that is something I want to check out,too. I also have some freckles/hyperpigmentation on my cheeks (not too grave, but yet..), maybe this ingredient help :)

  5. Hi Sharlynn,

    My skin is a fusion of both... good to know that this toner is not suitable for me as I'm afraid of pimples breakout! :p


  6. This sounds like I would like it! I have dry skin and love using straight oils on my face, which is probably your worst nightmare! :P

  7. I realllly like Shiseido's softener but it's so expensive and stopped buying it, so I might actually like this one! I wonder if I can get it from my local Chinese supermarket that sells imported Asian skincare....

    Macarons and Mischief

  8. I know that feeling of dissapointment that you talk about when you are soo used to toner being stipping like astringent. I bought the jeju volcanic pore toner from innisfree. At first I was hugely dissapointed because it felt more like water than a toner that Id expect, but I stayed patient and stick with it at least for a month. Now Im impressed. I came to realise a toner doesnt have to bestripping to be good.

    Because it really did remove the dirt on my face even thought it wasnt stripping inthe least bit.

    So how long did you stick to using this toner before you ditch it?

    1. I used up about more than half the bottle which was tiring but I really gave it a go. It took me like 2-4 months because I always have at least 2 -3 toners I'm using. I've now used more toners and know what a good one that doesn't feel stripping is like but this one was just too slimey and I didn't feel bad giving up on it when I did!




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