
Tuesday 24 May 2016

Rave Review: Mustika Ratu Penyegar Face Toners (Jasmine, Cucumber, White Rose, Rose, Lemon Lime)

Gorgeous tonic waters! Besides my obsession with pressed powders, I have a freakish love for toners or in Indonesia commonly called 'tonic' water. Their supermarkets are filled with all sorts of local brands selling toners scented or made with local ingredients like jasmine and lime. The moment I smelled and bought my first tonic water when visiting Bandung Indonesia two years ago (check out my holiday post here) I knew that I had to get my hands on more of this amazing product the next time I visited or my boyfriend did.

Continue below for my full review!

Mustika Ratu Penyegar Face Toners (Jasmine, Cucumber, White Rose, Rose, Lemon Lime)

Mustika Ratu Penyegar Face Toner...Jasmine for normal to dry skin!
Mustika Ratu Penyegar Face Toner...Cucumber for oily skin!
Mustika Ratu Penyegar Face Toner in white rose/white gardenia!
Mustika Ratu Penyegar Face rose for dry and sensitive skin!
Mustika Ratu Penyegar Face Toner...lemon lime for oily and problem skin!
Packaging & Product!

On one hand I love how simple and straightforward the packaging is for these toners. They look a touch traditional with the shape of the bottle and the screw off cap. I personally also love it when the color of the product and the photo of the label matches or illustrates the main scent. On the flip side the packaging can be considered cheap and it's also slightly fragile because of the hard plastic it's made of. My only gripe about the packaging is the screw cap, there has been several times where I screwed the cap on a bit too tight and because of the hard plastic it cracked and broke.

Okay, straight onto the tonic water itself! After my first two bottles two years ago I've since had my boyfriend help me buy all the scents he could find the last time he visited Indonesia. I'm seriously in love with these and would recommend anyone to try one while visiting the country. Not only are they so damn affordable but if you enjoy authentic scented products and are into toners for refreshing the skin or for cleansing excess oil off your face you will love these. Every scent smells exactly like what it's suppose to be, my favorites are the white rose and rose. 

All of them except the jasmine seem to work really well with my combination skin. Although this product isn't a necessity in your skincare routine, it's so luxurious feeling and I love how cooling it feels on the skin. I use these toners usually when I'm home and make up free or at night before I go to bed. Those with oilier skin will really enjoy using these especially if you are a fan of the scents too!

Each bottle has its ingredients listed in the back as well as simple descriptions and instructions. Every toner apparently also has added vitamin A, E and F.
  Mustika Ratu Penyegar Jasmine toner! I have all of the products in the larger 150ml size. If there was a bigger size I would have bought the rose and white rose in it!
Mustika Ratu Penyegar Face Toners (Jasmine, Cucumber, White Rose, Rose, Lemon Lime)
Paid: 21,000 IDR. each ($2.10 SGD) Love how damn cheap these are!

Recommend: Yes! I totally recommend these to everyone! Whether you have normal, sensitive or oily skin these toners are such a breeze to use! I think these are best for those with combo to oily skin.

Repurchase: YES. The best chance I get to restock, I totally will be getting another rose and white rose!

Bottom line: These simple to use toner waters are a joy to use. They don't do miracles but definitely are a nice step to add especially if you live in more humid climates. Do pick one of these up if you are in Indonesia, totally recommend them especially to those who like scented products!

Are you a fan of toner products?
Do you like floral scents?
Let me know!

Feel free to comment!
Thank you!


  1. Mustika Ratu has some awesome products for very affordable price. Sadly I have tried the rose toner water from this brand and it broke me out :/ I think it must be because the alcohol and Paraben in it. I really liked the scent and it felt nice on the skin though!

  2. Wahhhhh such beautiful toners! It looks like beverage too :')

  3. The packaging reminds me of hand wash hahah, would love to try the rose one, but it's only for dry and sensitive skin :( the cucumber one looks good too ^-^ I love that they are divided into different skin types ~

  4. Hello Sharlynn,

    Seriously, why did I totally glanced over tonic water when I was in Bali? I'm not a toner person but hearing you talk about the scent makes me sure that I would also like such fragrant water on me! I agree with you on the not so high class packaging. I would not even consider buying something in this packaging if not for what I read here and of coz for the price!

    Jo's Jumbled Jardinière

  5. Love those colours & packaging, Sharlynn! Can't believe how cheap they are. I could almost smell them from here. Hahaha! TGIF, my dear! xoxo

  6. I really like the packaging of these :)
    I do like toners... I have one by The Body Shop that is a Tea Tree Toner and I LOVE IT! I can´t use it for long periods though cause it dries the skin pretty fast but I use it for a few weeks and then I take a break and use another toner and then I start to use the Tea Tree one again :)
    I have to say that I have a hard time with floral scents... especially with rose scents.
    I do not know why I´m having such a hard time with rose scented products though but whenever I get a product that has a strong rose scent I can´t use it...

  7. These are so pretty, but unfortunately my skin doesn't like the high alcohol content in traditional toners so I don't use them. The scents sound lovely though!

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