
Monday 16 May 2016

Holiday Special: First Evening in Bangkok, Audrey's Cafe & Bistro! (March 2016)

Touch down and back in Bangkok! As always I was back in Bangkok last month was my mom! It's become a yearly affair that we visit Bangkok for short food and shopping trips. For those who have never visited, Bangkok is the epitome of tourist friendly, with tones to visit, experience, eat and buy! This trip was my first 'break' since starting my new job back in last November so it was much looked forward to. We arrived in the late afternoon and by the time we made it to our rented apartment and checked in we only had time for dinner that night before resting.

It was such a coincidence that a highly recommended pretty cafe was walking distance from our place which unfortunately isn't located near a BTS (train station). Luckily there were sooo many western, japanese and local bars/ restaurants just around our place!

Continue below for our first evening!
Holiday Special: First Evening in Bangkok, Audrey's Cafe & Bistro! (March 2016)

Audrey's Cafe & Bistro! A very pretty french looking cafe that's considered one of the must-visit cafes in Bangkok. It was quite a walk to this place from our apartment and was hidden away along a dimly lit side road off the main street but it was well worth the walk as we found out!
Audrey's has a gorgeous look, at night the fairy lights and lanterns make it looks like it's from a fairy tale and I'm sure in the day time it looks just as lovely. After our long walk we decided to sit inside to cool off!
Just look at how pretty everything looks inside! Love the interior and overall look. So clean, feminine and refreshing! We found ourselves a corner seat and we went straight into the menus as we were both starving!
We sat there for a short while just oogling at all the lovely items! They had a separate dessert menu...just look! I was soooo tempted to order dessert first and I was quite sad when I saw the thai tea lava cake was discontinued!
One of my favorite things about drinks. Loved their range of colorful, fun mocktails! I couldn't help but to get one.
Inside their food'll find a range of classic 'western' items but also there is a nice range of local dishes too! We were really hungry but decided to get a main each and then to share a dessert after!
Here you can see are some of their western fare. I was so tempted by the crispy pork cubes but I decided to go for a fusion pasta which was something I wouldn't normally eat.
A lovely range of their biscuits and snacks on sale! All these items were on a big lovely display table in the middle of the inside space.
We sat along the left side of the restaurant, I was on the soft seat. Here looking up we noticed that there was a small party going on in their upstairs private rooms!
Our drinks! My mom had iced lemon thai tea (super strong and sweet) and I had a mocktail..."Audrey's dream" I think...super yummy and it was A LOT!
My delicious, so amazing awesome river prawn penne! The sauce was so rich of the grilled prawn shell flavor and there was so much pasta I was so happy digging in and even my mom who usually doesn't go for creamy pastas loved it!
My mom got a classic seafood pad thai noodle! We both agreed on getting one local and one western dish and we shared. This was so good too, nothing better than authentic thai food in Thailand!
Lastly for dessert the much awaited Thai milk tea crepe cake! Covered with a lovely milk tea sauce! Mom and I almost died laughing when she started joking that it looks like poop.
The cake was so tasty and gorgeous along with the sauce....however this cake wasn't really a 'crepe' cake. It was more like a sponge layered cake but it was beautiful!
Their dessert fridge with many of their cakes already sold out as it was already past 9pm! I wish we had more space for another dessert!
Our lovely corner seat, all cozy and comfortable while having our late dinner! After a day of travel and lots of walking to arrive at Audrey's Cafe dinner left us both so happy and full! Mom loved it so much she wanted to go back in the following days!

So that was our first evening back in Bangkok! We didn't managed to do anything else but check in, walk around the main streets of our place and have this gorgeous late dinner at Audrey's. Do visit my blog again to catch my second day back in Bangkok!

Are you a lover of Bangkok city like we are?
Ever tried Thai tea cake before?
Let me know!

Feel free to comment!
Thank you!


  1. Hi Sharlynn,

    OMG!!! The Thai milk tea crepe cake looks heavenly. Nice holidays! If I'm going to Bangkok, I will sure take note of this place :D


    PS Thank you so much for your support :) :) :) Very nervous wandering how will media corp edit or say about my appearance :p

  2. Ugh, Bangkok why are you so far far far away from me and my country!!
    It's nice to read that you do a lot of traveling with your mum c:
    This Audrey's Cafe and Bistro looks divine!! That Milk Crêpe cake is
    to die for really! Too bad it didn't really taste like crêpes xx

  3. Nice post! I miss Bangkok and would love to visit it anytime soon. Unfortunately that won't happen until at least 2017. I've been really busy lately since I'm going back to Jakarta for good in December, so I am now preparing the big moving back step by step.

    Audrey cafe looks really nice, it looks spacious too! The thai milk tea cake OMG, I love thai milk tea, and Audrey's is def on my bucket list ^^

  4. Oh my gosh.. now I´m hungry :)
    That looks like a very beautiful restaurant and the food looks SO YUMMY!!!
    I would love to visit Bangkok one day :)
    I have to say that you have a very beautiful mother :)

  5. The cafe & bistro looks so nice! The food looks so yummy as well!

  6. The cake looks so delicious <3 Lovely pics!!

  7. I love BKK & I was there too last month. Tho a short one just for shopping & eating as usual, it was a good one! xoxo

  8. Woah at that Milk Tea Crepe Cake. I want to try it!

  9. Seriously, this place is so pretty! I would have totally devoured that prawn pasta, I love creamy sauces like that
