
Friday 28 August 2015

Review: Little Lady Rich Black Liquid Eyeliner in 01 Black!

Rich Black Liquid Eyeliner? Liquid eyeliner is a total staple when I do eye make up. For those who have been reading my blog for a while or those who have seen my make up looks, I almost always am sporting liquid eyeliner! I've been testing this particular one for more than three months now and unlike other new ones I've tried in the last year this one has been giving me a lot of trouble!

My favorite liquid pen eyeliner which I consistently repurchase or have a back up of is Kiss Me Heroine's Smooth Liquid Liner Eyeliner! What I look for in a liquid eyeliner is ease of use, solid black color, fast drying and a formula that will lasts through the humidity and heat!

Continue below for the full review!
Little Lady Rich Black Liquid Eyeliner in 01 Black!

Wednesday 26 August 2015

Special: My 21st Birthday! (korean BBQ, pusheen cake, dim sum)

Happy birthday to me! My birthday was earlier this month on the 3rd of August and it was monday! I did my primary 'celebrations' by spending time with the family the day before my actual birthday on Sunday which was also the day I picked up my much awaited custom cake! I really would have loved having a party or get together with friends but besides being generally harder to get friends together as we get older, it's even harder for me as 99% of my friends from school are all over the world as I didn't study and live in Singapore growing up. 

Being a TCK or Third Culture Kid makes having many long term friendships or reunions rare although it doesn't hurt at all when people come and go. We're so used to short term friends and moving around! Having moved back to Singapore in 2010 I have awesome friends from school and colleagues from work but a party wasn't on my planner this year due to so many things going on.

Continue below to see my simple birthday!
My 21st birthday celebrations with family!

Saturday 22 August 2015

Tag: 15 weird facts tag!

Bring out that inner weirdo people! Today I bring to my blog yet another fun tag! I've been browsing other people's blogs just looking for tags and this one seemed like an easy enough to answer and light hearted one! My so called 'weird' answers actually aren't very weird or strange actually so please don't be too dissappointed! You're definitely not going to find out that I have a second vagina, like eating candle wax or that I can balance bananas on my nose!

I really hope everyone enjoys my answers to this tag and I've listed all the questions at the end so do feel free to copy and paste and do this tag too!

Continue below for my answers!
I was trying to find a more fun or interesting first photo but searching 'weirdo' or 'weird people' in google images is really....not productive. (Link to source here)

Thursday 20 August 2015

Review: Cathy Doll Gluta Arbutin Peeling Gel Ocean Salt Essence!

Scrub up with Ocean Salt Essence! For those who didn't know or didn't see my travel posts, when I went to Bangkok back in January of this year I headed straight to my favorite korean beauty shop Karmart! They stock a few popular korean brands as well as the Thai brand 'Cathy Doll' which has many of their products produced in Korea! I'm absolutely a lover of Cathy Doll as they carry so many interesting skincare products, everything which is so damn affordable!

Karmart has now expanded their online store from just being for thailand to websites several region countries (check out their site here). To check out their full range on their Thai webstore just click 'continue' without choosing a country. The Singapore site has a very small range of products but I'd totally recommend checking it out or the local shops listed carrying their products! The best of course would be to buy when visiting Bangkok!
Continue below for the review!

Cathy Doll Gluta Arbutin Peeling Gel Ocean Salt Essence!

Saturday 15 August 2015

Monday funday pot luck lunch with the girls!

Pot luck lunch with the girls! The last few years of my life have lacked gatherings and meals with friends and when my colleagues from my work decided to unanimously to gather for a lunch back in June we all agreed on doing a pot luck! It was such a nice day spending girl time for the first time in a while and despite being such a sociable and friendly person I've rarely gone out with friends! We all looked so forward to the lunch and boy was it a great day spent with some of the loveliest girls I've come to know!

Besides being our first gathering, it was also a mini belated birthday celebration and I made it a point to bake a chocolate cake with salted caramel frosting in the middle which was the birthday girl's favorite flavor! The cake was a first for me but with the help of my boyfriend it turned out amazing!!

Continue below for the full post!
Monday funday featuring a pot luck lunch with the girls!

Wednesday 12 August 2015

Review: Maybelline Clear Smooth BB Silk Poreless White Cake Powder in 03 Natural!

Smooth BB Silk Poreless powder! Maybelline in Asia does come up with quite a few interesting products that cater to asian beauty trends/ideals. From eyeliner for highlighter the inner corners of the eyes, to only waterproof mascaras to asian style false lashes and lots of BB products like foundations, creams and powders! This powder is not yet sold in Singapore and I bought this while on holiday last year in Bandung, Indonesia at a pharmacy. 

Indonesia carries a larger range of products from all of the regular drugstore brands as well as many of their own local brands of skincare/beauty which I had so much fun browsing! This powder caught my eye as it was so silky smooth when I tested it in store and being a powder fiend I had to get it!

Continue below for the full review!
Maybelline Clear Smooth BB Silk Poreless White Cake Powder in 03 Natural!

Monday 10 August 2015

Review: White Formula Intense Brightening Toner with Tranexamic Acid!

Need an 'Intense Brightening Toner'? For the majority of ladies having 'good' skin is important and when I say 'good' in Asia it usually refers to skin that's smooth and light in color. Another huge thing is skin that lacks pigmentation spots and scars which is of no surprise to me! Growing up the ladies in my family were always using skincare and people in the media usually had great fair complexions!

'Tranexamic Acid' has been an ingredient used in several asian brands which I've used that is meant to prevent melanin production and hence preventing new unwanted hyper pigmentation. Since I'm a huge user of toners and I do want to prevent pigmentation spots I decided to give this a go!

Continue below for the full review!
White Formula Intense Brightening Toner with Tranexamic Acid!

Saturday 8 August 2015

Food Post: Things baked at home for June 2015! (strawberry shortcake, rainbow cookies)

Cakes and cookies! Most of you probably don't know but I finally got a stand mixer two months back! It was one of the cheapest at the appliances section and I figured that since I will not be planning to make anything fancy or complicated I didn't want my family to pay several hundred dollars. The month of June was a super fruitful one with the help of my boyfriend of course! Together we made some really yummy baked items!

Believe me when I say this was the first time I've NOT had to cream butter and sugar or whip cream by hand as we've never owned any kind of mixer, hand or stand! Even the most simple bakery tasks had to be done by hand and so now things are so much easier and faster!

Continue below for all the yummies!
Things baked at home for June! Strawberry shortcake, chocolate chip cookies, rainbow cookies, salted caramel chocolate cake!

Tuesday 4 August 2015

Review: Urban Decay Naked Skin Weightless Ultra Definition Liquid Makeup!

Get your 'Naked Skin' on! I've wanted to try this foundation from Urban Decay since it came out several years ago. I just love the packaging and the range and tones of colors they had. Since my skin has been pretty much clear with the rare blemish now and again the last few years I had no worries getting this as it's a base known to be best worn on skin that doesn't need much coverage. I mean, I guess it's called "Naked" for a reason!

This was part of my first Sephora beauty haul back at the end of last year! (See the haul here) Items in Sephora in Singapore tend to be quite marked up and hence it's taken me this long to buy things from them despite being okay with dropping a ton of money in the pharmacy for make up all the time!
Continue below for the full review!

Urban Decay Naked Skin Weightless Ultra Definition Liquid Makeup in shade 3.0!

Sunday 2 August 2015

Special: Geylang Serai Hari Raya Baazar 2015! (Food, drink, snacks, shopping)

Belated Happy Hari Raya Puasa! That's what the locals in Singapore say to celebrate the end of ramadan month or their religious fasting month! The end of ramadan was on friday 17th July. Having visited this very popular large temporary bazaar located next to Paya Lebar MRT station a few times the last two years I decided this year to visit a couple times to cover all the delicious food on offer!

In the past I made visits to this bazaar market but only at night and with friends. This year I made it a point to go several times in order to eat everything they had to offer as there are new stalls every year! As the market is only open during the fasting month, one week in, there was already news and photos on social media circulating of the new stalls and food items sold this year! I was super excited and this year's bazaar was really a treat!

Continue below for the bazaar and its food!
Visiting the annual Geylang Serai Hari Raya Bazaar! Ramly burgers, coconut ice cream, churros, chilli fries, durian, thai food and so much more!