
Saturday 15 August 2015

Monday funday pot luck lunch with the girls!

Pot luck lunch with the girls! The last few years of my life have lacked gatherings and meals with friends and when my colleagues from my work decided to unanimously to gather for a lunch back in June we all agreed on doing a pot luck! It was such a nice day spending girl time for the first time in a while and despite being such a sociable and friendly person I've rarely gone out with friends! We all looked so forward to the lunch and boy was it a great day spent with some of the loveliest girls I've come to know!

Besides being our first gathering, it was also a mini belated birthday celebration and I made it a point to bake a chocolate cake with salted caramel frosting in the middle which was the birthday girl's favorite flavor! The cake was a first for me but with the help of my boyfriend it turned out amazing!!

Continue below for the full post!
Monday funday featuring a pot luck lunch with the girls!
The gorgeous condo that my colleague lives at! It's FAAAAAR away from where I live but it looks like a holiday paradise to me!
I only wish to have such a gorgeous pool to access whenever I want!
Check out that water spraying out! Love water features like these, they're so fun!
The pool is huge, spanning a large portion of the grounds of the condominium! I've never stayed at apartments with such a gorgeous pool in my lifetime but wouldn't mind!
Laying back on one of the lawn chairs waiting for the other ladies to arrive!
And then this huge waterfall feature begins and the loud crashing sound startled me at first but then was just white noise!
My lady friends that I got to know through my work place! Love how we are so bubbly, fun, loud together!
Our pot luck lunch! One of the girls brought assorted cut fruits sushi and chips, another brought home made pasta and hot dog salad, another made chicken adobo and tocino and I brought teriyaki chicken wings and a home baked chocolate cake with chocolate buttercream frosting and a caramel filling!
Close up of our sumptuous buffet! We all ate a bit of everything and were so stuffed! We had too much food but it was no surprise!
The cake I made for the birthday girl! It had two layers and the salted caramel was sandwiched in the middle! I'm not a fancy baker but I definitely made a super tasty and delicious cake!
The four of us ladies toasting with white sparkling wine! There was a total of five of us but the fifth person didn't join us till a bit later!
The four of us ladies posing with our wine! I think I had three servings, it was really fruity and sweet and lovely!
As I enter my twenties I realize it's hard enough to make friends and spend quality time with them and even harder so to meet up with more than one or two people at once! I'm so glad we all made the effort to come together and really look forward to our next meet up!

When was the last time you meet up with friends from work?
What would you bring to a pot luck meal?
Let me know!

Feel free to comment!
Thank you!


  1. Where's this condo? Looks fabulous! Would certainly love to try your salted caramel cake, dear! xoxo

  2. That's a really nice looking cake that you made for you friend. I thought at first that you purchased it from a bakery. You're quite a talent. I also wanted to mention how you girls really know how to party! I love that your friends got to spend quality time relaxing by the pool. This reminds me, I really need some pampering time with my friends.


  3. Ooo looks like so much fun! Nice cake!

  4. Hi Sharlynn,

    This place looks fabulous! I think I have been there before but can't remember... LOL! The pool looks really grand.

    The salted caramel birthday cake that you baked sounds yummy!


  5. Looks like a fun time. And it's so sweet of you to bake a sweet treat for the birthday girl. I bet it tastes so good!

  6. That cake looks delicious, looks like a fun time was had by all and that pool looks incredible!

  7. Aww... time spent with friends (whether it is friends from outside or friends from work that you see every day) is just so precious. I like all the food that you gals brought. I'm drooling now as I haven't had my lunch yet. I think it is really sweet that you baked a cake for the birthday girl. No matter how something looks, as long as it is hand-made I would always appreciate it! I'm sure your cake is super duper yummy!
