
Tuesday 14 January 2014

Overview: My current lipbalms!

Balmy love! Are you a lover and user of lipbalms as much as I am? Even if you don't suffer form dry lips, the lipbalm is like a sacred piece of make up/skincare. Every girl has used one, has carried one and has wanted one. It's usually one of the first pieces of 'make up' that us girls get to buy ourselves or are given by our friends or mothers. I've used lipbalms since I was 7 or 8 years old.

My first lipbalm was Vaseline Lip therapy liquid vaseline and then followed by some Nivea lipbalms and finally lip Ice! I've loved any lip balm that has slip, is moist and leave my lips feeling hydrated. I suffer from always slightly dry lips that peel and flake a lot even with daily exfoliation. Hence it is so important that I keep my lips moist.

Continue below to see my current lipbalms!

My current lipbalms!
I have a lip gel and lipbalm that have menthol! The lipgel is really nice and cooling whereas the lipbalm is quite thick and waxy and I rarely touch it! I recommend the lipgel version!
My current Maybelline loves...a lemon scented lipbalm, the new Berry tinted balm (got this in Bangkok) and an older version pink tinted balm!
This Fruity Kiss lipgloss balm is orange in color and super slick (I wear this before I sleep), this Orange & mango one has a lovely smell but isn't too moist, the Lip ice strawberry and lemon ones I have purchased endless until the end of last year! I feel the menthol worsens my lip peeling although I love how they feel!

Swatched: Maybelline Baby Lips color (berry shade), Maybelline Lip smooth color & care (pink), Fruity Kiss Lip gloss (orange) All three are incredibly glossy and expect to be wiping at the edges of your lips to remove bits slipping off!

I've finished at least 2 of most of the regular Maybelline Baby Lips, the Berry, Lemon and Cherry! I find Maybelline lipbalms to be the most moist and my favorite! I don't like anything waxy or thick.

What are you favorite and current lipbalms?
Flavored or plain?
Let me know!

Thank you so much!


  1. I'm a big sucker for Labello pearl haha I always wear them! But the maybelline ones also look very cute!! xxx

  2. Amazing collection! Does the mentol lip balm helps to make lips more plump?

  3. Looks all so lovely I Iove lip balms very much, tinted ones especially!

    恵美より ♥

  4. maybelline baby lips are very good, but only the asian version.. I have tried the western version and they peeled off my lips.. the asian ones are very good and moisturizing, only the strong scent is kinda put off for me..
    my fave lip balm atm is the EOS lip balm. they're not tinted but the work amazing as moisturizer..^^

  5. I'm obsesssssed with lipbalms! I love flavoured lip balms normally, my all time favourite has to be the NUXE Reve de Miel - it's amazing! xx

    Gem // Miss Makeup Magpie

  6. I've heard many good things about Maybelline lip balms but haven't tried it out yet. May be I'll grab one when I go to drugstore :D

  7. Love baby lips! I love mango pie :)

  8. Maybelline has a lemon scented lip balm??? I wish I had access to that! I would probably stock up on that scent, heh. I know what you mean about lipbalm being the 'first piece' of makeup. I remember my mom used to buy a variety of them with different finishes, and it was a pretty big deal back then, hehe.

    As for personal taste, I absolutely love tinted lip balms! I can't commit to lipstick, so tinted lipbalms are all I wear!

  9. All of my friends rave about Baby Lips too, I'm thinking I need to try it out now because my lips are deathly dry in this cold weather.

  10. I love Maybelline baby lips!! I'm big on lip balms too, can't leave anywhere without them! :P

  11. Baby Lips by Maybelline is one of my favorites, I have it in almost every colour. I love your collection and the fact that you have lots of diferent brands, you can never have enough lipbalms!
