
Saturday 11 January 2014

Haul: Dog treats!

Doggie treats! How about something a little not so regular on my's a pet treat haul! We rarely buy treats for our two dogs, a husky and a 10kg mix terrier but when we do, we haul in bulk because we stock up for a few months! In singapore there are independent pet stores and "Pet Lovers" pet stores which is a franchaise.

Here my mom and I decided to buy a bunch of dry biscuit treats for our dogs on one big visit to the best store! Using certain credit cards you get the same discount as a member and they often has sales of 10-30% of certain groups of brands every few months.

Continue below for the haul and my dogs!
Dog biscuit haul! Dr. WooFrs,  Pro Plan, Isle of Dogs Everyday
These beauties aren't mine but my boyfriend and I spotted them at East Coast park!
The big super FLUFFY dog is a mix of a Mastiff and Saint bernard!

Awww, they both looked my way!

We tend to buy a mix of cheaper brand and mid range biscuits. I really don't ask or want advice from store sales people about not buying or buying certain things because I know my dogs are fed enough aside from snacks and these are meant to be treats so I'm not too concerned about if they have rice or wheat or not or fruits!

I always try to get our money's worth by comparing the weight of the pack to the price and I often look for packs of 400grams upwards! Since we have a husky who eats a lot, it's not worth our time and money buying smaller packaging or very pricey small snacks.

The brand has come into Singapore some years ago, I always buy shampoo from them as it removes all the grease in our older dog's coat very well and the smell lasts all week. There's usually a 20% off on their biscuits and shampoos!

The is our husky, Sirius!

Our grandma mix terrier, Pebbles! She's turning 17 this year!
Sometimes I catch them playing and even the big young one giving her a kiss!

Do you have any types of pets right now? 
Do you enjoy buying special treats?
Are you a dog or cat person?

Thank you for stopping by!


  1. I loovvvveee dogs! Your pets are adorable hun!

  2. Your dogs are adorable! Growing up, we used to adopt dogs from the shelter. My last dog was a giant Mastiff that look like a bear, but she was really gentle and super sweet.

    Those treats look healthy. We usually go for the dry biscuit treats, too. Your dogs must love it when you come home with all those snacks for them. :)

  3. oh this is a fun twist on your blog!! I am a huge dog fan! I don't really like cats to be honest but dogs are really lovely!!
    we have a toy poodle at home in indonesia he is so cute and I miss him T.T because I can't have dog here in germany, I don't have a pet here because my apartment doesn't allow pet T.T
    your husky is so fierce!!! I loooooove husky and would love to have one one day ^^

  4. Such a lovely dogs ! I'm more a cat lover , but i do like dogs a lot though ! My brother had a Alaskan Malmout a couple years ago and he was my BIG friend :)

  5. OMGGGG your doggies are soooo so cute!! that last pic is so precious you caught them at a super sweet moment :)!! you seriously scored on those doggie treats!! so lucky! doggie treats in germany are SOO expensive!!

  6. awww sirius and pebbles are so cute!! :) i have a dog too a little yorkshire terrier and i wish we had lots of options like this when it comes to dog treats. my options are also limitted cause Bentley can choked on the bigger sized treats, i usually end up cutting them into smaller pcs

  7. I have found that mostly dog treats are all natural, and contain no additives or chemicals, which is nice to find in a dog product. Normally all brands have the exact same guaranteed analysis, same color, same shape, and same scent. However, there is little variation. However, recently I have found an awesome site that is just awesome to have perfect dog chews. Thanks for your products!!
