
Sunday 18 November 2012

Food Craze: Aroy Thai, Straits Kitchen, long Beach and Cedele!

Asian delights! That's what I think when I'm really hungry, I want something tasty, crispy, explosive and fresh! My love for asian cuisine will carry on and I hope to find more places serving yummy bites.

I've yet to find places in singapore serving amazing vietnamese and thai food at good prices so that's a search I must undertake when I've got the time!

Continue below for the photos!
Aroy Thai, Straits Kitchen, long Beach and Cedele
Thai food at Aroy Thai restaurant in Funan center!
Crispy catfish and green mango salad!
Very well made, fresh and tasty, expensive at almost $20, it's very authentic and therefore worth it
Sour fish soup, with lots of fresh herbs like lemongrass, coriander and onions

Stir-fried kai lan with crispy pork!

Tasty Singaporean delights from Straits Kitchen in Hyatt Hotel!

White chicken rice with indonesian fermented bean cakes!
Rojak (made of fermented tofu, fried bread, turnip, pineapple, ground peanuts and squid paste)
Popiah which is like an asian wrap, filled with stewed raddish, lettuce, carrots, peanuts, chilli sauce, eggs)
Mutton and chicken satay with peanut sauce and chopped up onions and cucumbers!
Pancakes with peanut sugar and mochi with peanut sugar! Oh so good, I love the mochi!
My mom and our long time family friend and her daughter, who last time I saw was only 1 year old!

Haven't seen him in 7 years! He used to be shorter and a lot smaller than me!

Fresh seafood bites at long Beach Restaurant in East Coast!
Achar achar pickled vegetables
Fried crispy baby squid with sweet dark sauce
Fresh jumping alive prawns being drunken with wine!
After being steamed in the wine! So sweet and juicy!
Stir fried venison (deer meat) with spring onions
Man tao buns, steamed and fried. I still will enjoy the fried ones the best!
Chilli crab with a thick, eggy sauce, really great for dipping!
Steamed groupa fish with soya sauce, one of the classic dishes I've eaten since I was younger when the family went out. Delicous with steamed white rice.
Fried yam ringed scallops!

Fresh light western dinner fare at Cedele!

Delicious soup, could be a meal in itself with bread!

Delicious types of breads
Seabass spaghetti with french beans

Creamy carbonara fettuccine pasta with mushrooms
Seabass burger with tomato salsa on pumpkin bread
lightly peppered and grilled, the fish was so fresh!

It might seem that I eat like this all the time but not very often really. Just from some special meals. Things have been very busy recently and I just really want to catch up with some girl friends and spend more time with my boyfriend.

Hope the weekend has been good for you! I spent today at home and yesterday with my boyfriend, finally watched James Bond Skyfall!

Thanks for coming by!


  1. Jia Lin, your foodie posts never fail to torture me!! lol
    so yummy and delicious food! I miss singapore so much!

    1. Haha, you're welcomed! I love food so much, the good stuff much be shared! I hope you can come over someday and we can meet! ^^

  2. You're making me drool with all that food! :D
