
Tuesday 4 April 2017

Holiday Special: Day 4 in Patong, Phuket Thailand! (May 2016)

Day 4 in Phuket Thailand! Bringing my blog day four from my gorgeous beachy holiday to Phuket last year in May! We basically spent this day slowly, waking up late and going back for the second time to an Indian/Lebanese/Thai restaurant which we had dropped into before for a snack and discovered that the food was real good! 

Later in the evening we went to visit the night market which was lovely although so crazy warm as the bulk of it was under one roof and everyone was sweating like crazy despite fans here and there!

Continue below for our colorful day four!
Holiday Special: Day 4 in Patong, Phuket Thailand! (May 2016)

Rayaan's Oriental Restaurant! They have 3 outlets around Phuket and they have 2 menus, one is mostly Thai/Chinese/Western food and the other Indian and Lebanese food!
The drink menu! Alcohol in phuket really is very affordable! Super cheap actually compared to singapore!
All the delicious biriyani dishes!
All the delicious breads! I could eat these bread ALL DAY LONG! It's so hard just to order one!
Savory tasty meat dishes! Love all these different curries, masalas and types of sauces I've never tried!
Vegetable dishes! My faves are the ones made of chickpeas, spinach and paneer!
All ready to dig into our delicious lunch! I had a sweet lassi and my boyfriend an iced coffee!
An aloo pratha! Deliciously seasoned potato filling and yummy mealy outside!
A mutton curry! The flavor was sooo good! Better than anything in singapore where all the curries have a base that taste so similar and just salty! The meat was so tender and slightly gamey but so great!
A spinach curry with pieces of paneer! My favorite!
A mutton kabab! Spiced and flavorful and juicy!
Fine minced meat, lots of herbs and spices!
Garlic naan! So fresh, tasty and PERFECTLY made!
The phuket night market was half clothing and household goods and half food! There was stalls selling delicious baked goods like cakes, pastries and jelly/cream filled donuts!
This stall just sold sticky rice and fried pork done in the local style so they are crisp on the outside and tender with a sweet savory marinaded flavor!
Fresh local orange juice! The oranges have green skin when they are ripe and are super sweet and fragrant, nothing like regular box orange juice
My favorite thai snack! Soft steamed rice skins filled with pork and vegetables served with a spicy sweet green dip!
Another bakery stall selling yummy savory and sweet goodies!
Another stall filled with cakes! Oh my, such colorful, beauty, moist cakes and chocolate balls!
My favorite shop! A car just FILLED with meat on sticks and lots of innards like hearts, liver, gizzard and intestines!
Amongst the market seen are shops like this with some chairs for people to sit and have a good bowl of noodles!
A seller of durians! I love a good sweet strong flavored durian and the thais know a good one too!
All over thailand shops sell fresh made fruit juices and that's one thing I always drink everyday when visiting beach towns!
A shop with seats behind selling noodles with lots of parts of meat like tripe, liver, stomach, intestines and braise cuts of meat!
The noodle shop next door serving noodles and rice with braised pork legs and other cuts of meat!
We decided to get a bowl each of mix beef organ noodles and the soup was amazing and they were under $2 a bowl!
Gorgeous braised duck meat!
Fresh BBQ ribs! Oh I was sooo tempted to get a box!
Mango and stick rice! A thai classic and of course you must eat this many times in thailand!
Fresh made sushis! All are about 30 cents to a dollar for the expensive pieces!
A lady selling sticks of meatballs, seafood and snacks to be dipped into a pot of spicy sauce!
A man grilled fishballs! Oh my, he had some BIG balls there besides the normal sized ones!
A shop with some seriously awesome scrap metal art work!
Plenty of stalls selling local dishes like this chicken and rice dish and cooked salads ready to be bought!
Cooking fresh made fish and squid cakes!
Delicious freshly fried cakes with deep fried basil leaves to top them off!
A shop selling the most beautiful giant grapes! All local of course!
One of my favorite salad dishes in thailand. Deep fried catfish salad! OMG look that those bad boys!
Boxes of thai desserts! All so sweet and yummy!
Delicious raddish and chive filled pancakes that are fried crispy on the outside! A classic in singapore too!
And here is me after we had dinner, had a bag of food loot and I got myself the world's tiniest ice cream cone because I was stuffed!

Hope everyone enjoyed following my holiday journey from last year! I absolutely love visiting markets like these when I'm overseas because we don't have them in Singapore and sometimes when we do during festive times, the items at the market are so repetitive it's boring!

Feel free to comment!
Thank you!


  1. Awesome food pix & you're looking gorgeous as ever! xoxo

  2. Nice to read about your experience through your blog. I love Thailand – it’s the best for short weekend getaways. These food pics really awesome. After seeing these m getting more n more hungry :P
    Enjoy your Phuket Holiday Trip.
