
Tuesday 12 January 2016

Food Post: Everything eaten in the month of October 2015! (Ribs, Roti, Pho, Bento)

Drool, chomp, chew! I've never been one to turn down food, I actually often run after food, make time just to eat and actually make a big fuss and complain when I'm hungry or just craving food! For those who are familiar with my food posts this one's for the month of October! Yes, I know I'm behind but I can't skip out on any of the my months as these last few months have been GOOD food months for me! 

In this post I'm featuring two meals from meet ups with a few girlfriends (which I rarely see as a group), trying out some new places near my home, a supper of pizza after work, lunch alone and a home made meal I got my boyfriend to help me cook for my girlfriends when we all managed to come together to my place!

Continue below for the delicious food post!
Food Post: Everything eaten in the month of October 2015! (Ribs, dosai roti, fried chicken and prata, cumin and chilli grilled sticks of meat and mushrooms)
It was a late lunch in town and I wanted the delicious crispy chicken from 4 fingers and went with a portion of japanese rice with sweet sauce to make it a good meal! This was so good, I always go for the 'mix' flavor!
A delicious fresh bowl of dry vietnamese rice noodles at Nam Nam noodle bar, served with a sweet fish sauce and lots of fresh vegetables!
At Nam Nam noodle bar! On the side I ordered this small plate of fried mixed appetizers! A chicken pouch, prawn paste on sugar cane, fish cake and delicious pork spring roll!
A late night supper just before the outlet EWF (everything with fries) closed their kitchen in town! I ordered this mince meat sandwich, it was tasty (the fries truly the best) but the bun was so soft, not toasted and I couldn't lift up the sandwich without the whole thing falling apart so I used a fork!
Another late night after supper in town with my boyfriend! We both had a super thin crust carnivore meat pizza, I had a lava cake (my favorite), he had a creme brulee and we shared a bottle of my favorite Deakin Estate Moscato (which I brought home after we drank about 2/3 the bottle)
A super filling, tasty, crispy and spicy lunch at our favorite Ayam Penyet restaurant in Lucky Plaza! For whatever reason the kitchen gave us TWO whole catfishes instead of one! Boy was I happy! We shared an extra portion of fried tofu cakes and a gado gado salad!
One of my favorite noodle dishes! Dry ban mian or chinese wheat noodles that are always thick, chewy and served with mince meat, egg, black vinegar and chilli! This is always sooo tasty and filling!
An another snack with my mother and grandma with a stack of freshly made, chewy, crispy prata roti and dishes of fish curry with hot teh halia or ginger tea!
Supper at Prata Raya, a sardine murtabak which is a soft indian bread filled with onion, curried sardines and egg! This portion was SOOOO filling and huge and so damn delicious! I only wished the outside of the bread was crisp! And that white stuff is sugar!
A huge bento set from Ichiban Sushi I had for lunch! I finished everything except the rice and cooked my sashimi in my mother's hot pot!
Dinner alone at one of my favorite cafes in the basement of takashimaya! Japanese sticky rice set with red beans and chestnuts, pork tonkatsu, braised vegetables, soup and several pickles!
The st. Louis mixed rib platter at Tony Roma's! This was the first time the whole year I ate at Tony Roma's and also the first time in at least more than a year! I really need to go back again, I've forgotten how good their ribs are!
The original baby back ribs! So delicious, the meat falls apart, is marinated all the way through, the sauce is just right and I couldn't get tired of eating this!
Grilled sticks of cumin and chilli seasoned mushrooms, mutton and chicken! At one of my favorite chinese restaurants in Chinatown!
Deep fried cereal prawns! Sweet, crispy and a Singapore favorite, this isn't really a traditional chinese dish at all!
A simple but yummy yang chow fried rice to complete my chinese meal!
The best cheap, smooth and tasty soft serve ice cream in my opinion! McDonald's I love you!
Caramelized baked ribs with thick fries and boiled vegetables! Nothing's better than sticky ribs!
Right before I tucked into a giant paper dosai! It's thin, crispy, freshly made and soooo fun to eat! I've since had this another time and I love it and the different dahls and small portions of sauces! One is a vegetable curry, one is a chickpea dahl, one is made from tomatos and the last from grated coconut!
Green milk tea and thai milk tea!
Olive fried rice (which was so bland!), a spicy mango salad (which was really good), Pad Thai noodles, clear seafood tom yum (nice and herby) and fried pandan chicken was which awesome!
The fried pandan chicken at Jai Siam is really the best I've had in recent times...the chicken is juicy but super crispy and tasty!
At Bangkok Jam cafe! Thai mango and sticky rice and mango panna cotta also with sticky rice! These were soooo good and I only wished there was more coconut cream on top!
All four of us gals having a meet up just before we all start on different endeavors! New jobs, an engagement and new paths in life! It was such a coincidence that we all wore dark blue that day!
A long awaited and in planning home cooked meal for my boyfriends' family! Juicy pork belly char sui, prawn and pork wantons and stir fried vegetables!
Each made by hand, a few made by my boyfriend's younger brother who I taught how to package and seal these babies! Deep fried till golden brown! So juicy, moist and tasty! Served with cold mayo!
Stir fried bok choy vegetables garnished with deep fried shallots!
My super fatty, juicy and tasty pork belly char sui which I marinated for a few days! There was nothing left!
Home made fried rice with mixed vegetables, chinese sausage and juicy prawns! For the boyfriend!
Two plain dosai breads! I love indian breads and how this is soft, chewy, a bit sour and so fun to eat! Love the dahls and curries that it comes with!
A Singaporean favorite! Prawn paste deep fried chicken wings! Super crispy, salty, tasty and so juicy and perfect!
The most delicious hot plate tofu with a yummy thick sauce, mince pork and mixed vegetables! This was so damn good!
Ice kopi (singapore coffee with condensed milk) and a hot teh halia or milky ginger tea!
Indian for lunch! Four crispy fresh pratas, a big juicy fried chicken leg, a bowl of mutton curry and a bowl of fish curry! And of course a side of sugar for dipping my prata into! Shared this with the boyfriend!
A basket of deep fried seafood goodies at Georges by the Bay cafe at the Punggol Settlement!
BBQ ribs! Super tasty and tender although the glaze was a touch burnt!
The view from the row of cafes above over looking the seaside up north in Punggol!
Lastly a meal made for my gal pals! We all rushed from work and different things back to my place and my boyfriend helped me whip up garlic chilli prawns, fried calamari rings, crispy coated salmon fingers, sweet potato fries, waffle fries and a salad with corn and fruits! A bottle of sweet sparkling rose wine to wash down everything!
All four of us just right before we digged in! There was NOTHING LEFT! I'm glad I didn't cook any less!
There we go! This post is super late but I don't feel bad at all because I have to share all my meals with you guys! October was so full of great meals and most important the opportunities to meet up with my gal pals. We haven't since been able to meet up in a group but plan to do so in the near future!

When was the last time you had Indian prata or dosai bread?
How about BBQ ribs or Vietnamese Pho noodles?
Let me know!

Feel free to comment!
Thank you!


  1. It's a bad idea to read your foodie post at 9pm after dinner because now I am starving!! xDD
    That giant paper dosai OMG , Sharlynn did you manage to finish it? It looks yum though, I'd definitely finish it myself LOL

  2. *drools* over everything! Especially the grilled sticks, all looks delicious.

  3. oh my god I am laughing at the size of that dosai! That is insane!! I'm going to be in singapore in 2 weeks :D I'm going to email you right now hehe

  4. This has to be the yummiest looking post ever :O
    My tummy always screams for food at the end of your food posts :D
    I really need to start doing some more Asian food because it all looks so incredibly yummy :)
    We do have some restaurants here in Vaasa where you can eat Asian food.. Magokoro is the most famous one.. a Sushi place.. then we have Dongnai where they sell Spring Rolls, Fried Chicken etc etc :)

  5. oh my gooodness you got me drooling and I JUST HAD LUNCH!!!
    Everything looks so freaking delicious babe <3

    Have a wonderful day babe!

