
Tuesday 1 September 2015

Food Post: Meals eaten for June 2015! (ox tail soup, mee rebus, BBQ)

Grilled prawns, mee rebus and soup buntut! June was not just an amazingly fruitful baking month when I managed to bake a few lovely cakes and cookies with my new stand mixer...I also got plenty of cooking done with my boyfriend! The majority of the meals I share tend to be ones that I've either made for the family or made with le boyfriend! June was a delicious month trying out some new dishes both at home and outside.

June was a month where my appetite for many favorites got satiated! From trying a new burger place, to a yummy fried katsu lunch, a meal at chinatown and some delicious home made meals!

Continue below for my delicious month!
Meals eaten for June 2015! (ox tail soup, mee rebus, beef wraps, japanese tonkatsu, home BBQ)
Of course we visited chinatown to try another restaurant and ordered our favorite marinated mixed beef innards! This place had their pieces in thick chunks that had a really good bite!
Cumin stir fried pork! This was so fragrant and delicious! Quite salty though as southern chinese cuisine tend to be!
Delicious pan fried chive and egg stuffed pancakes! I loved how piping hot these were, the exterior of the pancakes were nice and crisp and thin!
A late night after work meal at around 11:30pm that we managed to grab just before the last food order at EWF or Everything With Fries! A very popular burger fast food joint that is famous for that huge portions of fries! I had their signature beef burger with seaweed salt fries and my boyfriend the chicken burger with curry fries (which were so damn good)!
My gorgeous plate of pork tonkatsu with a large ebi! It's served with a large amount of cabbage salad and then I doused my fried goodies with sauce! This set came with soup, rice and a bit of pickle! My boyfriend's set was chicken with ebi and I ate his salad for him.
Assorted tiger prawns, large white sea prawns, marinated chicken wings, chicken and beef satay all ready for our BBQ!
Other items for our BBQ! Sweet potatos wrapped up, sausages, vegetable kebabs and whole portobello mushrooms!
Our little round BBQ pit cooking up all the wings! Next time I have to skewer the wings the other way around! They were so damn delicious, the charcoal grilled flavor just can't be replaced! We left the sweet potatos on for a while until they were nice and soft and smoky!
The chicken satay, sausages and mushrooms on the pit!
All the yummy sea prawns and tiger prawns being flash grilled! We ended up needing to put most of them back on after underestimating how long to cook them on the pit!
My plate full of yummy BBQ food! Since my boyfriend and I were taking turns cooking we ate last. My plate full of a bit of everything with home made coleslaw and some veggie sticks!
Wraps for lunch with sliced up steak, left over meat pie filling, coriander, onion and lettuce!
Our delicious wraps for lunch! I topped my filling with shredded mozzarella!
We basically had a wrap craze throughout June and July and I'm now super good at making home made salsa!
Indonesian soup buntut time! I was craving this indonesia classic and my boyfriend and I got all the ingredients to make it! You'll need waxy potatos, carrots, celery, tomato, onion, garlic, ox tail and other spices! We got our recipe online!
Here was 1.8 kilos of beautifully fatty ox tail with loads of meat, nothing like the skinny little pieces you'd normally get in indonesia or at an indonesia joint! This is why I like making things at home!
Our home made soup buntut or oxtail soup, it took a few hours in the oven at 160 degrees C until the meat falls apart and the soup had become enriched with the fresh herb paste that is fried in the beginning. This was so fragrant and to finish it off, some fried shallots and fresh coriander!
Soup buntut or indonesian oxtail soup! Look at how fatty and tender that meat is? This is why my boyfriend loves his meat slow cooked in the oven!
A huge pot of stove cooked mussels with onions, celery and white wine! We pot this tray of mussels that fed both my boyfriend and I and it cost less than $3!
Fried garlic and egg rice! A favorite of mine!
A some what healthy lunch at home of a whole meal wrap, baked chicken, chopped salad and a bit of mayo!
Oven baked chicken wings that had the most crisp skin due to baking with its own fat and a nice side of cold potato salad!
Another yummy mince beef wrap with salsa and lettuce!
Brunching at home with delicious hash browns, egg scramble, salsa and lettuce!
My boyfriend's SO HEALTHY lunch of a ramly burger (the beef patty maybe 20% meat if we're lucky) and three super crisp hash browns!
Spaghetti bolognese! I love love dry meaty sauces for my pastas!
Ingredients for one of my favorite local dishes mee rebus! After months of Prima Taste's mee rebus gravy paste being out of stock I was so happy when I spotted it in the supermarket and got two boxes to make dinner for everyone! Here are the condiments I prepped! Blanched yellow noodles, hard boiled eggs, boiled prawns, fried tofu, blanched bean sprouts, green chilli, coriander, calamansi limes and fried shallots!
Ta dah! A plate full of home prepared mee rebus using Prima Taste's gravy! There's anywhere between 500-700 calories a serving depending on the amount of noodles and gravy but it's soooo worth it! Singaporeans who are naturally skinny I'm envious of, our food is just too delicious!

What's some of your favorite home cooked meals?
Care to try anything I ate in June?
Let me know!

Feel free to comment!
Thank you!


  1. Wow, these are some delicious dishes you eat in June. I always enjoy your food posts dear. Kisses <3

  2. All looks so delicious! I like the BBQ part!!! You know every time I read your food posts it's mostly in the morning when I have arrived at work or it would be in the afternoon when it's close to home time, then I look at all your food pictures and I get sooooo hungry! and I would drool all over my desk...... no seriously :p

  3. -mega drool- gosh girl I am so jealous sometimes of your
    food diary!! Xx
    Ice Pandora

  4. Whoa! This is like food porn to the EXTREME! This is seriously making me so hungry! I wanna eat them all!


  5. You were definitely busily eating in June haha! I can't say no to a burger or hashbrowns.

  6. HOORAY FOR NEW STAND MIXER! (I feel like as I get older, the more excited I get about kitchen appliances :D) Those chive pancakes and BBQ prawns look delicious, and ayyy, so I'm not the only one who grabs pizza/burgers near midnight, eh?
