
Thursday 23 July 2015

Home made hot and sour soup, meat pie and tiramisu!

Soup, a pie and tiramisu! For many months my boyfriend has had cravings for hot and sour chinese soup and finally the other month I cooked the soup for my entire family to enjoy at home! It's actually super easy to make and you can decide what ingredients to add besides the basics! Also I brought a mince meat filling which my boyfriend and I stewed for hours with wine and stock to make a fresh pie for my boyfriend's family as well as a tiramisu for dessert!

Continue below for the yummy dishes!
Home made chinese hot and sour soup, fried tofu skin appetizer, mince meat pie and tiramisu!
The majority of the ingredients for hot and sour soup! I used chicken stock and water for the soup base or you can use seasoning cubes or vegetable stock. To season toe soup, you'll need soy sauce, black vinegar, sesame oil, chilli oil and white pepper. I added bamboo shoots, straw mushrooms, shredded tofu skin, slices of pork collar and egg!
One appetizer for my soup dish were these 'scallop' spring rolls! The skin on these are made from rice noodles so they are super crisp and delicious!
Fried, crispy, juicy and moist on the inside, the seafood filling makes them addictive! I could easily eat five at once!
Suepr crispy tofu skins! I made this by cutting up a big sheet of pressed tofu skin and then deep fried then in two bunches which make them form into a solid piece!
To complete this appetizer, I made a pickled cucumber and green apple mixture and then tossed it with thai chilli sauce and layered this with the fried tofu skins! This made for such a refreshing crisp appetizer!
The finished chinese hot and sour soup! The tricks to making this soup a success is thickening the soup with a 1:1 ratio of cornstarch solution only before ready to serve and seasoning with the black vinegar just before thickening the soup! Serve with copped spring onion and a drizzle of chilli and sesame oil!
The ingredients for the stewed meat pie filling! We used a mixture of chopped up beef shin, mince lamb/beef and tendons! Vegetables included chopped onion, carrot, celery, potato, corn and peas! We also used beef stock and a bottle of red wine!
To add a roasted, nutty, meaty, flavor and thickness to the meat filling my boyfriend made a brown roux which we added to the stew after it reduced with the stock and wine!
My boyfriend and I used my family's new enamal coated cast iron pot! In singapore it's not normal for people to own cast iron pots and pans. They also cost a BOMB here, something like this regular price is at least $200-250. My mom and I collected tickets from the supermarket and then paid $90 on top of the tickets to get this lovely thing!
First we browned the chopped and mince meat! Deglazing with some stock until it's nice and browned and crisp on the outside!
Then we lightly sauteed the hard vegetables!
Then, we added the meat back into the pot, added the beef stock and then the wine before letting all of it reduce for a couple of hours over a low heat!
Once everything was reduced down, we then added the corn/peas and then added the brown roux and let the mixture thicken up further until nice and thick! We added only salt and pepper on top of the other ingredients!
Tadah! The meat pie I made for my boyfriend's family! The pastry crust was made with just butter, plain flour and salt! Super easy but fragile to work with! We served the pie with a salad side and an emulsified balsamic vinaigrette!
Our beautiful meat pie's filling! As you can see, I had made sure to reduce and thicken the filling, it was so rich of browned meat, flavors of the red wine and just earthiness from being cooked slow and long! It was such a filling and tasty meal!
Finally for dinner we had a tiramisu! The mascarpone mixture I had prepared at my house and we brought it over chilled and it made for a great dessert!

What was the last thing you cooked for your family/friends?
Have you made hot and sour soup before?
Let me know!

Feel free to comment!
Thank you!


  1. looks yummy... thnks for the recipe as well! :D

  2. Delicious!! :D

    I have a new outfit post up on the blog, would love to know your thoughts:

    * Electric Sunrise - Fashion and Lifestyle Blog *


  3. Thank you for the recipe! Everything here looks absolutely delicious! Urgh, this is making me jealous of your mad cooking skills. I've attempted hot and sour soup before but.... I didn't like how it turned out :/
    <3 Pauline, Addicted to Makeup

  4. Sharlynn, why are you torturing me?? :'D
    They all look so yummy!! the tiramisu and meat pie's feeling OMG I want them now :9

  5. ALL of this looks AMAZING!!! :)
    Now that Freddi is home he is the one who does most of the cooking cause he LOVES to cook :) He is also extremely good at it :)
    He made chili chicken with early potatoes, garlic sauce and grilled cheese :) IT WAS AMAZING!!!

  6. OMG, the meat pie is looking so so so yummy, you are very talented girl. Happy Friday sweets <3

  7. What what what?! Scallop spring rolls?! Give me some please!
    Mhmm another tiramisu in the making :P Looks nice all! xx
    Ice Pandora

  8. The food looks SO GOOD! That meat pie looks absolutely amazing - I've never eaten anything like that, but... omg... mouth is actually watering now. T_T
    Junniku blog!

  9. Looks delicious ! I NEED SOME RECIPES FROM YOU :-):-):-)

  10. I am so jealous of your cooking skills!!
