
Wednesday 1 July 2015

Food Posts: All home made and baked food for May 2015! (Wraps, roast lamb, lemon cake, brownies)

Wraps, roasts and baked goodies! Oh how I wish I could've even shared just a little bit of the delicious dishes, meals and baked goods I made and enjoyed last month! May was a fantastic month of home cooking! I also am glad to say now that I'm almost definitely addicted to making home made salsa and wraps! Oh there's just nothing more fun and fresh than putting together a wrap filled with freshly prepped/cooked ingredients and then eating the damn thing!

May was also a good month in the baking department as now we finally have a brand new wall oven and also a few weeks ago we got our delivery of a stand mixer! It was the cheapest proper stand mixer on sale but I'm happy and it does the job!

Continue below for all the yummies from May!

 All home made and baked food for May 2015! (Wraps, salsa, roast lamb, lemon cake, brownies)
Grilled paprika chicken with freshly made salsa and orange slices! It's become a habit that the boyfriend and I make salsa the night before we want to eat it!
Grilled butter prawns, salsa and lettuce wraps! Oh yes, prawns really make for a great filling!
For some of my wraps I used a sweet hoi sin sauce base which went really well with the fresh zesty citrus salsa!
Another wrap meal!!! Tender waygu steak slices, bacon, caramelized onions, sweet peppers, scrambled eggs, salsa and lettuce!
Super stuffed! My first few wraps this month wouldn't roll up properly as I was always too greedy with my amount of fillings! I now can finally make proper rolled up wraps!
Chicken rendang made using the help with premade paste with mini potatoes, cucumbers and steamed rice!
A simple lunch of vegetable fried egg rice and deep fried hot dogs!
A healthy side salad of mangos, oranges, lettuce, apples and blue berries!
Paprika and chilli powder rubbed chicken wings! Just simply baked until all the fat drips off and the skin crisps up beautifully without extra oil!
A huge plate of our mid join wings! My boyfriend and I shared this for dinner! I had the salad above as my side dish!
A whole lamb shoulder roast with potato wedges! The lamb was bought from the supermarket already marinated with herbs and mustard! I baked it at 160C until the inside in the thickest parts were medium perfection!
The lamb shoulder roast right out of the oven!
Freshly cut! The inside of some parts were gorgeously pink and tender and medium!
All the lamb roast cut up! It feed my family of four for Sunday lunch! I served this with a fruit salad and the roasted herbed wedges!
Baked a silk creme chocolate cake in a large brownie pan so that I could cut cubes!
This cake was incredibly gooey and moist and dense! Not very sweet though which was quite nice.
A piece of the silk creme chocolate cake served with fresh raspberries!
Lemon butter cake with lemon frosting! Everyone in my family likes lemon butter cakes!
The recipe gave me a gorgeously cakey fluffy moist cake and I love the bits of lemon zest in the frosting! Oh it's so fresh and tasty and such a treat!
A marbled cake covered with lemon frosting, blue berries and raspberries for my brother's birthday!
Although yummy and the fresh fruit was a lovely addition, the cake itself was quite dense and the next time I make it, the marbling which be much better!
My first home made chunky gooey brownie! It came out so much better than we expected! The chocolate chips all over the top formed a crispy crust!
My boyfriend and I also made a rich chocolate frosting to go with the brownies! Although it was nice and went well I much prefer mine without the rich frosting.
All the pieces of my chocolate cake covered in 'poops' of frosting for my colleagues at work! Those who got one were really happy and I do like bringing treats like this for my work friends now and again!

I'm so glad to have discovered the job of making fresh salsa which actually is really damn easy! Ingredients of your choice (mine consist of tomatos, onions, peppers, coriander) and then the pickling agent of (lime/lemon juice with white vinegar, salt, sugar, pepper)! Nothing beats freshly made food and if you love combinations of different flavors a wrap should do it!

Many thanks to all those who enjoy my food posts! I also love checking out what other people are making and eating on their blogs! You don't have to be a professional chef to cook and eat well! 

Feel free to comment!
Thank you!


  1. you should start a restaurant hehe! they all look sooo yummy!

  2. i was hungry! you made me hungrier!! lol such yummy foodd

  3. Hi Sharlynn,

    Everything looks so yummy in this post... Opsie... I'm drooling while admiring your super moist brownies :p


  4. I have no word, you are very talented honey, you should use this talent. I love baked chicken, the lamb dish and cakes and brownies..ohhh so delicious <3 Kisses <3

  5. I'm a sucker for chicken wings & yours look so appetizing, dear! I want that choc cake too! xoxo

  6. Will you... adopt me?
    I'll do the dishes!

  7. OMG! Everything looks so amazing and so yummy! And your brownies OMMMMG!!! wantttttt <3 <3 <3

  8. OH MY GOODNESS!!! This is an amazing post... you should have heard my tummy while I read this post and saw the pictures... it was screaming for food ;)

  9. Wow! Everything looks so delicious!!!

  10. ........of course I decide to scroll through this post while eating the most pitiful food: just finished a SALAD and I'm currently eating canned peaches while LUSTING AFTER THAT LAMB ROAST *-* AND THAT SALSA! AND CHOCOLATE CAKE AND BROWNIE. I CRY.

    I also love making salsa--heck, the combination of red onions, mint, and coriander is perfection. I also made guac for the first time last month AND I SCREWED IT UP LOL. I put all the ingredients in a food processor and blended it too much...and let's just say that guac is best when it's chunky otherwise you'll have mush full of weird flavours. It was tasty...but a weird kind of tasty :I
