
Friday 31 July 2015

Coffee and cake meet up and dinner in Chinatown!

Coffee, cake and catching up! Back a few years ago when my family and I returned to Singapore permanently after having lived in several countries in asia I arrived back at my home city without any childhood friends or adult friends at all. School wasn't easy at first but being at the age I was at I knew I had to get on with things as it was my last two years of highschool. The best and most important person I got to know through highschool is my now boyfriend of 3 years. 

Close behind was this teacher we meet up with some weeks ago. He was my boyfriend's teacher and friend for some years and I didn't even have any classes with him however he was one of the most 'human', friendly, honest and kind soul in the school we attended which was full of people but few who were willing to be genuine. Due to the time I spent with my then friend (now boyfriend) at school, I met and got to know this teacher and now he's still a friend we can talk to and confide in!

Continue below for the meet up and dinner!
Meeting up with an ex-teacher over coffee and cake! Plus a dinner in Chinatown!
A shot of all three of us together after not having seen our dear friend then teacher for almost 3 years!
The two guys and their matching toothy smiles!
We all had a coffee and then I got us a slice of oreo cheese cake which was quite nice and a carrot cake which was okay and more like a cake with carrot in it.
After our about 4 hour sit down meet up the boyfriend and I headed to Chinatown for our favorite spicy, organ, chilli filled meals! I ordered us a prawn fried rice which was so nice and piping hot and tasty.
We shared our favorite beef organ appetizer! The sauce is a delicious mouth numbing szechuan pepper, black vinegar, sesame oil, chilli oil dressing which flavor and mouth numbing effect varies from shop to shop! I really loved the chunky pieces of meat at this hop and the crunchy green chilli!
The star dish which was freaking amazing! Super tender chewy soft beef slices in a chilli soup with lots of bean sprouts and potato noodles! This was so good and wasn't as spicy as it looks! The soup was delicious and very easy to drink!
Not only was the portion HUGE but the beef slices was generous as well as the noodles and beansprouts filling up the bottom of the large bowl!
Totally didn't realize this delicious dish came with all this yumminess beneath all the glorious beef! Let's just say we wiped the bowl clean leaving a lot of the soup because we had no more space!
Our large bowl completely wiped clean of all the beef, sprouts and noodles! Just look at that layer of chilli oil on the surface! It really was nowhere as spicy as it looked and was one of the best dishes we've had besides our favorite organ dishes!
This is the interior of the majority of the small chinese restaurants that we like to eat at in Chinatown. It's not at the middle of the tourist area where prices are really jacked up and the food is more tourist friendly. These shops sell ethnic mainland chinese food! Lots of salt, spice and more salt and oil!
Drink up that oily, salty, tasty red liquor!!! This was a joke, I got him to pose for this shot! You'd be crazy if still had the space to drink all the soup after eating all the goodies from the bowl! Also your sodium level would hit the roof!

Would you like to try any of the dishes we ate?
Are you a fan of spicy soups?
Let me know!

Feel free to comment!
Thank you!


  1. Meeting with an old teacher always make us happy. I'm sure you both will be glad after this meeting. Wow, the food you enjoyed was so delicious and yummy. You always make me hungry girl...hahaha

  2. Oh wow what a nice reunion with your highschool teacher!
    I don't think I am that close with any of my highschool teacher
    haha :')
    The food looks amazing! Xx
    Ice Pandora

  3. Ahh this makes me so hungry! The oreo cheesecake and the bowl of spicy soup *drooools*

    Macarons and Mischief

  4. your food post here and in instagram ALWAYS ALWAYS makes me hungry ^_~ like literally after reading this post I went to fix myself a cup of noodle, lolz ^_~

  5. That's so cool & it's so nice of you guys to stay in touch! I'm a fan of sichuan food, but hubby doesn't like it as it's too oily :<
