
Wednesday 14 January 2015

Rave Review: Banna Fruit Scrubs in Tamarind, Coconut and Pineapple!

Fruity body scrubs! As someone who doesn't use many body care products I've been trying out a lot more gels and scrubs the last two years and I particularly love scrubs and washes with fruit/plant ingredients. For those who visit beach towns in Thailand like Phuket/Krabi/Koh Samui it's a MUST to visit all the small souvenir shops as some sell these local made body products that smell so much of authentic fruit/plant ingredients!

When on my holiday in Krabi, Thailand last year I picked out three fruit based scrubs at a shop having a deal on buying three tubs! It was a shop filled with at least 15 varieties of scrubs/moisturizers, other beauty products and lots of accessories and jewelry. Even buying one would be a steal as they are sooo affordable in Thailand compared to the brands that sell similar types of products in Singapore!

Continue for the full review!
Banna Fruit Scrubs in Tamarind, Coconut and Pineapple!
Banna Fruit Scrubs in Tamarind!
The tamarind scrub has a lovely light reddish creamy color much like the juice from the seeds. It smells EXACTLY like a sweet tamarind juice!
Banna Fruit Scrubs in Coconut!
The coconut scrub smells strongly of dessicated coconut and a touch of a creamy milk scent! For those who love this aged dried coconut scent, this would be a treat!
Banna Fruit Scrubs in Pineapple!
Finally, a scrub I was super excited to pick up! I had to get this after smelling it in store, this smells like pure ripe sweet pineapple! So good!
The scrubs may look thick and waxy in the tub but applied onto the skin they are more creamy. The tamarind scrub (above) had the most liquid texture, whereas the other two are thicker in texture!
 Packaging & Product!

Right away I couldn't care too much about the packaging considering what an amazing price these scrubs sell for! However it's not too bad that I actually do think the packaging is pretty awesome and so appropriate for the product. I really love how each cover of the tub has a nice simple design with a bright colorful photo of the ingredient featured in each scrub! Love seeing photos/images of products made of plant origin on the actual packaging. 

Exactly like the tubs from The Body Shop these hold a 250ml in a screw top tub. It's a standard type of packaging for this type of product which although maybe unhygienic if it were maybe a face skincare product I think is totally fine for body care. Each time I did use the scrub I used a moderate amount so they finished up quite quickly and hence there shouldn't be a worry about the product getting bad because of being exposed to air/water. 

As of writing this review I've used up all three tubs already and they were AMAZING. I absolutely loved how they firstly smelled 100% authentic like real tamarind, coconut and pineapple. In terms of texture the tamarind scrub has the most smooth  creamy feel, whereas the coconut and pineapple had a slightly thicker and waxier feel. All three scrubs are filled with small granules of hard scrub bits which are enough for a light-moderate scrub.

The scrubs feel smooth and super soothing on the skin and although two of them have a thicker waxier feel when applied, they all wash off leaving the skin feeling soft and supple. These were such a pleasure to use as they smelled and felt sooo good! I'm so glad I picked up 3 that day!

Banna Fruit Scrubs in Tamarind, Coconut and Pineapple!
Banna Fruit Scrubs in Tamarind, Coconut and Pineapple!
 Paid: 450 Baht or $18.20 SGD (3 of deal @ 150 Baht each) 

One 250ml tub of scrub from The Body Shop costs $30.90 SGD! What a steal!

Recommend: YES! If you are holidaying in any of the beach cities/towns in Thailand you definitely should peek into all the shops and grab a couple tubs of this! If not, pick up a moisturizer, lip balm or hand cream!

Repurchase: I would love to! But unless I managed to find this or similar in Bangkok I won't be visiting any of Thailand's lovely beach towns anytime soon!

Bottom line: Some seriously lovely scrubs. I would say I prize them for being made in Thailand, smelling 100% authentic and being a good light scrub. If you really need something very rough or very textured you'd need something else but for the sake of this Thai brand having more tropical unique scents you can't find from international brands these were so worth it!

What are your favorite scents for a body scrub?
Would you like to try one of these?
Let me know!

Feel free to comment!
Thank you!


  1. These scrubs sounds good. I would love to try them out if i get them here. Nice review honey. Kisses

  2. Id LOVE to try the tamarind and pineapple ones :)
    I love fruity scents when it comes to body scrubs :) The sweeter the better :D

  3. Sometimes I'm just too lazy to use body scrubs
    and think that a simple gel would nurture my body
    enough! Now I'm trying to do atleast 1 good scrub
    in a week, currently using The Body Shop
    tangerine one and it smells hella good!
    Glad these fruity scrubs works well on you c: I'd
    love to try out the pineapple one! And quite a
    bargain deal as well! Xx

  4. Hi Sharlynn,

    I love anything with pineapple including body gels or even like the scrub that you featured. Not too sure about the one with tamarind :p


  5. Goodness me, you're really adventurous in trying out stuff! Love the price tag, dear!

  6. Wow these seem like they smell amazing! If only I can get my hands on them. I especially love the smell of coconut and tamarind. Great to know they've worked well for you!

  7. I already know which scrub I would like most. The pineapple! There's something so refreshing about the tangy smell of pineapples. I love coconut juice but not dessicated coconuts so I think I would steer clear from that. I don't really know how tamarind smells like but the pink looks really nice and creamy. I didn't know about beach shops in Thailand having such great products. I would bear that in mind the next time I visit a beach resort in Thailand.
