
Saturday 20 December 2014

Home made: Banana Muffins and Banana Cream Custard Pies!

From Tree to Table! Yes, you read that right! The two banana products you will be seeing today were made from bananas from my family's banana tree! We have banana trees at both our current and old house (which is still ours) and recently both trees had bananas but the bunch at our old house was soooo fruitful that even after using about 2 kilos of bananas we still had so much left over I froze them for future baking needs!

Continue below for my home made banana goodies!

Home made banana muffins using home grown bananas!
Close up of my banana chocolate chip muffins! The recipe I use over and over again and have modified uses far more banana than 90% of recipes I've seen and I like a bit more oil too so that my muffins are super soft and slight gooey with bananas!
Here are the bananas from our garden! Yes, that's a HUGE comb of bananas, which was sooo super heavy too! My boyfriend is for scale reference!
So as you can imagine, they ALL were ripening at the SAME TIME! What to do!?!?!
Our first banana cream pie! With a graham cracker crust, inside are layers of sliced banana and the banana cream custard!
The second banana cream custard pie! Exactly the same inside but I decided to place slices on top! Love how pretty it looked!
Banana cream custard pie after baking! The slices are gorgeously caramelized and the custard solid yet still soft like a custard pudding inside!
Anyone would like a juicy warm slice of my banana cream custard pie? Top this off with some whipped cream and WAM!
This was the first time I had made a pie like this! My boyfriend made the banana custard and I did the assembling and baking! I can't wait to make more pies in the future!

I really hope everyone enjoys looking at my photos! I'm not good at taking photos step-by-step to show how I make things and sharing recipes...etc. I just like taking photos of main steps or the finished product! Hope you're all inspired to either bake or eat some desserts! I love bananas and how many things you can make with them. I still have a bunch of bananas frozen enough for two more batches of muffins but I'm planning to do banana bread!

Are you a lover of baked banana goods too?
Pie or muffins for you?
Let me know!

Feel free to comment!
Thank you!


  1. Oh god that pie..... Droooolll

  2. *drools* I can only imagine that the banana custard pie
    must taste like egg tart but with banana flavor! Anyway,
    great usage with the banana's ;) Xx

  3. Ohhh they look so good! I like banana, it is one of my favorite fruit ^^
    The banana's comb is huge!! It's very nice to be able to get ingredients from our own garden, my father loves gardening and we have chillies, oranges, longans, and mangos at home in Jakarta :D

  4. I love bananas *-* Very cute baking ideas!! The pie looks gorgeous! But I prefer more muffins^^ They just look much more cuter!!

  5. I LOVE that you have a banana tree! Seriously if my climate could tolerate it, I would totally have one too. Banana cream pie is one of my favourite desserts.. and now you've got me craving it. Yum!!

  6. Wow these look absolutely amazing!

  7. That's so awesome! Organically grown products are the best tasting and the best for you. They look lovely, even though I don't particularly like bananas hehe.

    I like pies better than muffins- I'm more of a savoury girl and my boyfriend makes the best pies from scratch!

  8. I LOVE baking with bananas. I like to add a banana to my blondie recipe, but I also enjoy banana bread/muffins. Bananas just making everything the right amount of gooey and moist. Your banana pies look delicious. I've never made pies before, but my sister is pretty good at making the crusts from scratch. :)

  9. I thought I was full, but now I'm craving that pie! I have no desserts in my apartment right now too :(

  10. Home grown bananas? How cool is that?!

  11. amazing! lol the thought of having a banana tree in the backyard is so cool lol we'd never have that in canada.

  12. I feel like this is the kind of situation you see in math problems L O L (several kilos of bananas??)(except I have a giant raspberry bush in my backyard, so I know the struggle of trying to eat up an overwhelming amount of fruit)

    I actually hate bananas (IT'S TOO MUSHY), but I'm quite fond of banana bread!
