
Sunday 30 November 2014

Bold K-Style night time look using Memebox products!

K-Style night time look! What do you ladies think of when you think K-style? A modern chic feminine Korean beauty inspired look....I usually think of flawless skin, perfectly lined eyes and a pop of color on the lips and a natural pinch of color on the cheeks! When I was sent the Memebox Special #33 K-style 2 box I knew I had to test all the products by using them together! I was not asked to do this by the company at all, I just felt that it was so appropriate!

This is the look I came up with using all of the products included plus my own products as well. Every product except for one in the memebox were winners so it was a great experience using all of them and I've seen been using the cream eyeshadow and can't wait to use the other pair of falsies!

Continue below for the full look!

Bold K-Style night time look using Memebox products!

Saturday 29 November 2014

Special: Celebrating my 600th blogpost with a year end GIVEAWAY! (CLOSED)

Giveaway Time! It's been a great few years blogging and after holding my first giveaway back in July I thought it was time for another in time for celebrating my 600th blog post and as well for celebration of the year end! I really hope that all of my existing and long time followers get a chance to enter this International giveaway!

I had actually wanted to do a celebratory post for my 500th post but I completely forgot and surpassed it! It's crazy how many posts I've written but I'm very proud of how my blog has progress the few years in terms of quality, organization and my personal make up skills.

Continue below to enter my GIVEAWAY!
The Blackmentos Beauty Box celebrating 600 blog posts with a year end Giveaway!

Thursday 27 November 2014

Special 600th blogpost: My Top Foundations Overview (2014)

My 600th blogpost featuring Fabulous Foundations! Many of us love foundations, hate foundation and are confused by foundations! We all want to find that 'perfect' foundation for our skin color, skin type and skin condition but it's not easy and it's not cheap either. I was requested by a reader to considering doing a top foundations post and I hope this will be an extensive overview of my foundation experience.

I was actually about to do, "The Perfect Foundation Tag" which after some research I found was started by Sinead and you can (see her post here), she had taken, "The Perfect Palette Tag" and adjusted it for foundation. However although it's a great tag I realized it didn't cover all the things I would have like to cover when it comes to foundation. Therefore here is my 12 category top foundations post!

Continue below for the overview!
My Top Foundations Overview (2014)

Sunday 23 November 2014

FOTN: Smoked out chocolate brown eyes using Urban Decay's Smoked palette!

Smoked out chocolate eyes! When in doubt, I do a smokey chocolate brown eye for going out at night! It's the kind of look that can be beautiful, dramatic and so perfect for day or night. I love these warm chocolatey looks, you can use a pale shimmery beige on the inner lids, a pink or even a gold on the lids instead of a taupe or light brown!

Continue below for this full look!
Smoked out chocolate brown eyes using the Urban Decay Smoked palette!

Saturday 22 November 2014

Review: The Face Shop Mango Seed Cleansing Butter!

Mango Seed Cleansing Butter! Some months ago all The Body Shop's Camomile Cleansing balm was all I was seeing around and although I could get this here in store the price is just so ridiculously pricey that I decided on never picking it up. However I have to admit that I would like to try it, if only there was a smaller size on sale! Hence when I saw this cleansing butter from The Face Shop and it was half the price of The Body Shop's I had to pick it up to try!

In comparison to the Camomile balm, this is a 'butter' as it's more of a thick whipped buttery texture whereas The Body Shop's is a solid balm which isn't cream on touch. I knew I wasn't trying something that's a dupe but I just couldn't resist the mango seed scent!

Continue below for the review!
The Face Shop Mango Seed Cleansing Butter!

Friday 21 November 2014

All About Eyes TAG!

All about Eyes Tag! Cheers to another fun tag! I saw this on Pauline's blog Asianhomie 101- Addicted to Make up! I personally am totally an eye make up girl. There are those of us who love bases and blush and contour and things to do with skin on the face...there are those who love heavy eyeliner and mascara...those who love bold lips and plain eyes and I'm one of those who love a beautiful butt load of eye make up!

I never thought I'd be so in love with doing eye makeup. I used to be quite crap to be honest. See (here) and (here) for my earliest make up looks and see how basic and sort of shady and crappy they were compared to what I do now (see here) and (here)!

Continue below for the tag!
All About Eyes TAG!

Wednesday 19 November 2014

Review: Pond's Flawless White BB Cream in Light!

Flawless BB cream! I've always been a fan of new bb creams and love trying new products, so when I saw this on a few ladies blogs I had to get my hands on it eventually! When I was on a holiday in Krabi, Thailand some months ago I picked up this mini 8ml tube of Pond's BB cream at a 7-11 and I LOVE how Thailand is an asian country that has mini sizes of most beauty/skincare products!

As of a few months ago Singapore has finally brought in Pond's BB cream in two shades, however we only have them in the full size and not in this small mini size! When I travel next time I will be picking up more mini sizes like this!

Continue below for the BB cream review!

Pond's Flawless White BB Cream in Light!

Tuesday 18 November 2014

Overview: My Maybelline Color Tattoo Collection!

TATTOO ME with Maybelline! Like many other girls a few years back I was totally in complete awe when Maybelline came out with the color tattoos. Unlike the ladies in the States I didn't go out and buy 4 shades or all the shades! They cost a lot more in Singapore so I bought two at first and then slowly bought more over the last two years. 

I'm so sad that we don't have any special shades here. We currently only have 10 shades if I'm not wrong at our drugstores. We have no matte ones and no limited edition ones! I would love more of the neutral shades both matte and shimmer!

Continue below to see my collection and the overview!
My Maybelline Color Tattoo Collection!

Saturday 15 November 2014

Rave Review: Clio Nail Styler polish (Glitz Pink, Disco Blue, Glitz Jade, Tropical Mint, Disco Red, Golden Peach, White)

Clio's Nail Styler Polishes! I really don't do any posts on nail polishes, although I do wear nail polishes quite frequently. Recently I cleared out my polish boxes which are two small boxes of polishes I've bought the last 5 years. I don't ever buy collections of polishes or sets so usually it's one bottle at a time but the last two years I've used so little polish that I had plenty of dried out polishes to get rid of. I never buy high end polishes so it doesn't hurt to do major clearing!

I never realized Clio had nail polishes but when I came across this range at Watsons at AMK hub I just so many shades that screamed out at me to buy them! 

Continue below for the review!
 Clio Nail Styler polish (Glitz Pink, Disco Blue, Glitz Jade, Disco Red, Golden Peach, White)

Friday 14 November 2014

Everyday quick bronze eye and dusty rose lip!

An Everyday Bronze eye look! Let me be totally honest...I am super annoyed when ladies publish looks like this every other day. I personally will not post looks that are so visibly similar so close together or at all. I just find it annoying when people think using a slightly different crease shade makes your look 'another' look. I don't mean to sound snobby but as someone who loves eye make up I have done plenty of gorgeous neutral looks but I don't want to share but the best and most wearable ones!

It's sort of a bit funny that an effortless and pretty look like this which most ladies tend to wear when they're wearing make up out is a look I rarely have on. I either have no make up on at home, a basic face of powder, mascara and lip balm or a fully made up face!

Continue below for the full look!
Everyday quick bronze eye and dusty rose lip! It might seem strange but I rarely do my make up simply like this! I'm either bare faced or bare basic or full on made up!

Thursday 13 November 2014

Review: Memebox Special #33 K-Style 2!

The K-Style 2 box! Yes, it's another Memebox ladies! I've been lucky enough to have the company sending me this second box and I almost died of joy when I opened it and realized it was all make up! If you've missed my first review of my first (memebox the Special #32 OMG 2 box see here!)

In a summary from the description card provided in this box (see below) this box is about Korean beauty and how the products will be able to help you recreate a K-celeb's look. It's about elegance and flawless bright skin, k-pop eyes with a lip to match. This box is meant to upgrade your beauty collection! I have to agree overall with the description. This box holds some korean beauty essentials and some lovely surprises!

Continue below for the reviews and my K-style look!
Memebox Special #33 K-Style 2!

Monday 10 November 2014

Special: My Holiday in Bandung Indonesia! (Sept 2014)

My holiday in Bandung, Indonesia! Yes everyone! I had taken a good long 10 day holiday to the bustling, vibrant city of Bandung which is the home town of my boyfriend at the start of September! My blog ran as normal as I had prewritten enough posts to not be MIA! We both stayed for the most part at his grandparent's property which is about 2 hours drive away from the main city area. 

They're property is a beautiful flower farm unlike most of their neighbors. Let's just say that the majority of the properties and homes outside of the main city area belong to the poorer class of people and most live off the land or small businesses. Staying on the farm meant being 1 hour drive away from restaurants, supermarkets and any kind of shopping center. So it was really a secluded and peaceful place to be!

Continue below for my holiday photos!
Special: My Holiday in Bandung Indonesia! (Flower farm stay, local food, make up shopping)

Sunday 9 November 2014

Blue bright eyes! (Urban Decay, Kate)

Bright and Blue! I don't think I've shared my opinion on light and bright blue shades before but I have to say that I've always and still think that powder baby blue and super light blues will never be my first choice of shadow. I still say that powder blue eyeshadow makes me think of cheap asian hookers but I have seen plenty of really cutesy looking girls wearing powder blue as a single shade or part of a pastel look and it works.

I think that in order to pull off a pale powder baby blue, you have to be wearing eyeliner and mascara too, it can't be one of those slick it on and go type of shade. I don't know...I can't do it! However on the flip side I LOVE blue shades, teals, green blues, dark navy blues!

Continue below for the look!
Blue bright eyes! (Urban Decay 24/7 eyeshadow pencil, Kate Gradical palette)

Saturday 8 November 2014

Rave Review: Kate Powderless Liquid for Cover foundation in OC-C!

Go powderless with Kate! For many asian girls here in Singapore and south east asia, the hot humid and crazy warm weather really sucks. Your skin stays oily for longer, tends to get blemishes more often and your make up does not stay on with heavy matte formulas or a shit ton of powder like myself! I had helped Pam from Jade in the Palace acquire this in a beauty swap we did last year and after getting it for her I was so curious I had to buy it myself to try it!

My normal face make up routine consists of one base product (foundation/bb cream/concelaer) and a good amount of foundation powder packed on top to keep my face flawless all day or evening! Hence knowing that this product dries down to a matte finish although being a liquid was very appealing!

Continue below for the review!
Kate Powderless Liquid for Cover foundation in OC-C!

Thursday 6 November 2014

The Makeup Addict TAG!

Makeup Addict Tag! Hi everyone, my name is Sharlynn and...I'm a makeup ADDICT. I didn't realize I would love make up so much although I should've known being a non-make up using teen who would grab and play with everything make up when I had the chance. Those days are long gone and now I know how to use make up and cannot see a life without any!

I was inspired to do this tag after seeing Sheri from Behind The Frames do the tag and as well as Tasha from Shiwashiful!

Continue below for the tag!
The Blackmentos Beauty Box: The Makeup Addict TAG!

Empties for August/September 2014!

Empties for two months! Oh damn ladies, behold your eyes on the heaps of empty products I've had the honour to throw away from the last two months! I always go through hair care and skin care faster than make up besides pan foundation powder! Hope you find something interesting in my giant empties post!

Continue below for the post!

The Face Shop Papaya peeling wash, Shu Uemura cleansing oil, Pond's pure white cleanser, Biore lip & eye remover, Tamarind body scrub, Yves Rocher Blackberry shower gel, Nivea mattifying toner, Avene Cleanance toner, Tea tree cleanser!

Tuesday 4 November 2014

Autumnal Orange eyes, rose gold cheeks and a coral tinted lip!

Autumnal Orange! I'm someone who tends to avoid oranges and yellow, even corals and strong yellow golds I tend to shy away from as I don't like how yellow tones and warm tones clash with my already yellow undertone! However after purchasing a beautiful orange toned cream eyeshadow from Shiseido I'm totally going to try wearing more corals, peaches and oranges all together!

I've been seeing so many Fall make up looks, Fall favorites and fall inspired posts so here's my go! It wasn't intentional but I realized it fits so here we go!

Continue below for the full look!
Autumnal Orange eyes, rose gold cheeks and a coral tinted lip!

Monday 3 November 2014

Rave Review: Kiss Me Heroine Make Up Volume & Curl Super Waterproof!

Super waterproof perfection! It shouldn't come as a surprise to most people that the majority of asian girls have thin, short lashes...they aren't even visible when you stand close to us and for the most of us with our variable eyelids, it's very difficult to find a mascara formula that makes our nothing lashes look good and stay looking good! I've got my holy grail in my waterproof fiber Kiss Me Heroine Long & Curl mascara...and then this Super waterproof formula released and I had to try it!

Check out my review of (my holy grail mascara here) and keep in mind I didn't curl my lashes. This new 'super' waterproof formula does not have fibers and I curled my lashes for this review.

Continue below for the full rave review!
Kiss Me Heroine Make Up Volume & Curl Super Waterproof!

Sunday 2 November 2014

Review: Arnaud Institut Paris Gel Wash and Exfoliating Cream!

Daily facial care with Arnaud Institut! Firstly a big thank you to the company which sent me these skincare products to try! This brand from my little research is a well established long time brand from France that has a lot of research put into their formulation of their products. It reminds me a lot of brands like Avene and Bioderma. I was sent a gel wash and an exfoliating cream from their facial care line to try and I've been using them for several weeks now and am ready to report!

Continue below for the review!
Arnaud Institut Paris Gel Wash and Exfoliating Cream!

Saturday 1 November 2014

Princess Pink Paradise eyes and cheeks!

Pink Paradise look! I know of many girls like me who love pink on the eyes, cheeks and lips! It's one of those colors that can work all over the face and I really do love a shimmery pale pink and a medium rose pink shade! There will also be those who will only reserve pinks for the cheeks and lips saying that it makes them look bruised on the eyes or look strange which I can understand. Nevertheless anyone can do whatever they want with make up on themselves and I love pinks all over my face!

This look was inspired by my new blusher from a brand called The Bakery which is by Beauty Buffet a very successful and popular beauty/skincare brand from Thailand! I've yet to review the blush but it's the perfect medium rose pink with the most glowing finish!

Continue below for the full look!
Princess Pink Paradise eyes!