
Saturday 31 May 2014

Holiday Special: Day 4 & 5 in Aonang Krabi Thailand!

Day 4 & 5 in Krabi, Thailand! This is the last post of my beautiful 5 days in Aonang Krabi in Thailand! For those unaware, my boyfriend and I went on a relaxing beach getaway to Krabi Thailand where we stayed right next to the beach and spent out 5 days eating, beach hopping and walking around a lot!

Do check out the other days from my trip! Day 1 arriving (here), Day 2 beach hopping (here) and Day 3 snorkeling (here)!

Continue below for the last two days of my holiday!
Holiday Special: Day 4 & 5 in Aonang Krabi Thailand!
To start off the day, here's my OOTD! I wore this linen top which my mom bought with me in Bangkok last year! It can be worn cropped or regularly! It's a super cute, light and comfy outfit!

My beautiful boyfriend and myself in front of the hotel pool and grassy area!
I had decided the night before that I wanted to have breakfast at Black Canyon coffee cafe which was a 15- 20 minute walk from our hotel! Literally no where is open for breakfast except for 3 places within 20 minutes from us!
He had a ham and basil pasta and I had the breakfast set with an omelet! We shared a plate of delicious spring rolls! They were so damn good and were sold out the last time we tried ordering it on our second day!
Shopping time as we browsed the shop stalls along the streets! Here's hello kitty and cute galore!
Caps with swag? A haven for those who love their caps, they had lots of regular and cheeky ones!
This section really caught my boyfriends eye! He would've bought a bunch of knifes and weapons if we could bring them back to Singapore!
Inside a souvenir shop! Lots of hand made crafts, woven baskets, hand carved pieces and figures, lots of containers and jewelry bits!
Beautiful preserved butterflies. Nothing endangered I believe! My family has several frames with butterflies already and these make me so happy when I see them!

Stopping by a HUGE mini mart! Check out the range of snacks and that whole front of Haribo candies! This place was our escape from the hot sun outside for a good 20 minutes!

They sold flip flops and even toys like this teddy bear! And check out this giant one liter packet of melon tea! Next to it is the regular single pack and then the giant one in comparison!

And lastly, lots of packs of dried thai herb packets for soups and dishes!
A tuk tuk, decked out in a hello kitty design that's advertising for a restuarant? That's awesome!
Posing by the main beach! It's the beach on the main land and almost all tourist including us paid for the long boat ride to beaches surrounding Krabi on islands for the day!
Fun fact...there are A LOT of Italian restaurants in Krabi! But they ALL serve thai food too! I don't think any food outlet here will survive without serving the local food! Why would I visit thailand to eat Italian!?
Just beautiful pieces of art work outside a local art studio! We saw the artist inside sitting down and painting all types of styles!
I wish I had bought a piece now! Look at how beautiful that piece with the longboats in the water look! The water really was exactly like that! Check out Day 2 (see here) and Day 3 (see here)  of my holiday to see the beach!
My boyfriend just chilling after coming back from a super hot morning and afternoon! Here I made him try on his new pair back in our room! The color is so lovely on his tan complexion!
Purchases from the morning! Fruit scrubs locally made that cost only $10 SGD! Amazing compared to the $30 or $40 price tag for the same thing from The Body Shop or other brands in Singapore! Gum for a friend and fruity trident gum and Sours for my boyfriend!
For lunch we headed directed across the road to Wangsai Seafood in front of our hotel and a few steps left to this super popular seafood restaurant that had been packed every single night for dinner when we walked by!
It was lunch time but it wasn't full, we avoided going there because it seemed to be sooo full the previous days and nights! But we figured the food must be great!
Their english menu which is just so overly done and so cute with all the cartoons and cute text! We had no problem ordering though, the menu was very clear in terms of language and the servers had no problem understanding us if we asked for anything. Thai people in general are super friendly and will get someone else to speak to us if they didn't understand!
Chomping into the yummy fresh coconut flesh! It was super sweet and juicy! We love coconut!
We shared a seafood fried rice, a stir fried squid in chilli paste and a plate of delicious fried spring rolls! All washed down with two coconuts!
Our meal all before our hungry EYES and STOMACHS! Some sweet plum dip for the spring rolls and some fish sauce and cut green chilli for the rice! Dig in!
And about 20 minutes later....! Finish! It was so delicious, the chilli past squid was unexpectedly so good, just right not overdone and the flavor was so fresh and not too spicy. The spring rolls were so crispy and the filling so yum! The rice was perfection too!
A good strong milky thai see before we head off for some afternoon shopping!
I bought this set of lipstick cases to give to my mother and grandma! This ear rings are for my boyfriend's mother and the small pearl studs for me!
After our afternoon shopping we headed back to the hotel for day to cool off and just chill!
My boyfriend took lots of photos for me and even a silly video of me playing around with life saver! Here we go!
Yeah...just taking one of "those" shots by the pool side with my sexy thick thighs in frame! Hehe!
Smiles and giggles! Ain't he adorable?
I put my glasses on him and asked him to pretend to be an angry computer geek! Great job I say!
On our way out to dinner we walked past this display outside a restaurant! Check out the giant squid and that super long and skinny fish on top! Not to mention the giant tiger prawns on the right!
Guess what? We were so impressed by lunch we headed back to Wangsai seafood for dinner! We waited about 15 minutes for a seat and the place was packed with people waiting outside!
Our scrumptious last dinner in Krabi! Pineapple fried rice, grilled prawns with butter chilli dip and prawn paste cakes! We had coconut ice cream for dessert on the way back to our hotel!

The fried rice was sooo needed, as we both love fried rice and had it at least once or twice everyday we were there! We chose to get the cheaper prawns so we'd have more pieces and each one was so damn good! Everything is charcoal grilled and we could see it being cooked outside the kitchen area near the seafood tanks! The prawn cakes were amazing, so fresh and so tasty!

Finished! I ate most of my prawn shells because they were so crispy and yummy! I also at times eat all of the shell, head, legs, tail and all when it's super crispy!

Delicious fresh coconut ice cream! It was really a 'fresh' coconut taste and not make from coconut milk or cream as those ice creams have the distinct dessicated coconut smell!
At our favorite coffee shop that was also just next door to our hotel! They had the best coffees and teas, ice or hot!

Just some of the things we bought to bring back! All drinks were consumed there but the snacks and noodles we brought back to singapore along with skincare and souvenir bits!
One of my best buys in Krabi! At a super affordable price which the kind shop keeper gave me, this ocean bag is from a new brand where the seam is sewn together for better quality! This range also comes with so many nice colors like this pink!
Last day in Krabi and our morning breakfast inside our hotel room! We both had a cup noodle each and oh my, these from the local thai brand were so damn good and so strong!
We also had time to grab a thai tea and I chose an ice earl grey!
Yes! Chocolate ice cream for breakfast! My boyfriend had most of it and it was lovely and dark!
PEELING TIME! This is what happens to him when he doesn't wear sunblock the first day out in the sun! I was glad he got a good tan on top of his already brown skin though. I love him brown and tan, so handsome! :3
Some more lovely bits picked up at the airport. The pearl and silver studs and drop ear rings were for me and were sooo damn affordable! I wish I had more money left to buy more pearl ear rings and snacks at the air port!
Here's four of my favorites photos representing our beautiful Krabi holiday! The amazing food, the magical beaches, spending time with my boyfriend away and the sunsets!

Do check out the other days from my trip! Day 1 arriving (here), Day 2 beach hopping (here) and Day 3 snorkeling (here)!

Where did you go on your last holiday?
Do you like beaches?
Let me know!

Thank you so much for stopping by!


  1. the tuktuk with Hello Kitty design is so cute lolll, I'd love to ride that.
    your trip looks so much fun!


  2. It must have been a great relaxing, foodie and
    shopping holiday in Thailand c; Loooove that
    Hello Kitty (slightly misformed) tuk tuk :D
    Make sure you boyfriend uses aloe vera for
    his peeled skin! Xx

  3. you definitely had good time there!! I've been once to Bangkok when I was a child so I don't remember a lot but I've heard that Thai people are so friendly and warm. They must be good hosts! ^^
    it must be seafood heaven there! the prawns omg!!!

  4. Looking at the food pix make me really hungry now. The beach looks so lovely! I love the sunset picture, it's beautiful.

  5. You guys are such an adorable couple! I've been dying to go to Asia for such a long time now! Been trying to get my parents to take idea if when we'll go! The Thai food looks absolutely delicious! I haven't had Thai food in awhile, now you are making me crave it! SO JEALOUS. You guys look like you had a blast!
    <3 Pauline, ­­Addicted to Makeup

  6. Oh goodnesss.... I'm getting hungry looking at all your food pictures!!! nomnomnom!!

    LilynotLouise | Beauty and Food

  7. "Why would I visit thailand to eat Italian!?" #ACCURATE
    And it's just so much cheaper to eat the local food, I think! (And I guess, more authentic)
    The food at Wangsai looks AMAZING. Seriously!! You're both really lucky to have taken this trip! Now, if only my friends would be down for an adventure like this....

  8. the places and food look so awesome!,,, hope to get to visit thailand again and get to try those delicious foods!,,
