
Friday 9 May 2014

Holiday Special: Day 3 in Aonang Krabi Thailand!

Day 3, in Krabi Thailand! Here's the third day of our beach holiday adventure trip in Thailand that I took with my boyfriend last month at the end of March! For all those who commented on my sunburn on the last  post, don't worry, it only took...TWO WEEKS before my back and shoulder burn subsided! Overall I was very happy though, my upper arms and back needed some tanning and the strategically placed sunscreen actually worked!

Here's day 3, we went on a long boat tour of some islands which included some snorkeling in a few areas! It wasn't perfect but for $40 SGD each, you'd never be able to even just take a tour to the sites we went to, let alone go snorkeling and have a local dinner on the beach!

Continue below for the beautiful day!
Holiday Special: Day 3 in Aonang Krabi Thailand!
My fun outfit for the day! Cookie monster t-shirt and my parrot bedazzled SHORT shorts!
I told him, "POSE LIKE A PIRATE!" The shirt was a present from me!
Duck lips! We actually are the same size but the angle isn't doing his justice! Haha!
The view of our hotel pool and the rooms from the front! So picturesque and relaxing!
Sleeping kitty!
Awake and cleaning herself up!
Back to our favorite next door cafe Doi Chaang where we decided to order their super cheap sandwiches for a late breakfast before our day trip!
I ordered a beef cheese burger and he had a tuna sandwich! We didn't realize how big they were and that they came with delicious crispy fries! Such a filling breakfast!
On our long boat for our day trip! Our basic english speaking guide here is a older man who was DAMN FIT and a free diver!
The supply of water and fruits for the trip! We brought our own drinks in water bottles and extra small snacks!
A contrast enhanced photo of the first sand bar beach we stopped at! The colors were really this beautiful though!
No filters or effects! The water was sooo crystal clear!
We just had to have a photo with the beautiful water in the back!
One of my favorite photos of him. His smile melts my heart and the surroundings, flawless!
Passing by "chicken island", can you see the head of a chicken there on the mountain?
Cutting up watermelon while the boat is traveling!
Getting ready to go over board! We both went into the water together throughout the day!
Can you see how clear the water is? The bottom was covered with live and dead things! Corals, sea urchins, fishes, plants and rocks!
About 2/3 into our half day trip, we got off at this island to rest and have dinner!
My baby just loved soaking in the waters! I had enough of being wet for the day and just walked up and down the beach!
The sunset was pink and purple! Look closely and see the black specks, they are bats flying!
Before the sun set! My hair finally sort of dry after being constantly wet for 4-5 hours!
Melon tea, apple grape tea, thai salad flavor pretx, dehydrated coconute and cantaloupe bits! The snacks we bought after getting back to our hotel! We just walked up the road to a new mini mart we haven't gone to!
My boyfriend in the sea...just another one of my favorite photos of him! We got back to our hotels at about 9pm after a long boat ride in the dark ocean back to a docking point where they got tuktuks to bring us back to our hotel!

Our trip started at 1 when we had to wait for our pick up to the dock where the rest of the travelers for the day would meet and be split into groups for the boats. The trip took longer than expected and we were home two hours later than estimated but it was a good long day and one that let us see more of the amazing Islands around where there were no people!

Do check out day one, day two and day four/five of our holiday!

Feel free to comment!
Thank you for stopping by!


  1. I have a cookie monster shirt too! :D

  2. Sharlynn, so beautiful...I can see you arenso much in love with your boyfriend from your photos you made of him. So nice to see the two of you being so happy

  3. You are both so lovely!!! Loved loved loved the photos! It was so fun and inspiring, almost like I was there! Kissez hun!

  4. Aw, I love your travel post! Sharlynn, these shots are so refreshing & well captivated. What a beautiful couple! Here's dropping by to wish you a wonderful celebration with your mom tmr! xoxo

  5. The last photo is stunning!! Also, I was surprised when I saw the photo of your boyfriend...and the middle finger L O L. When I went to Thailand, I was also able to go snorkeling, and it was such an amazing experience going underwater and feeding the fish! Thailand is amazing, isn't it? :')

  6. Absolutely stunning! I love your cookie monster t-shirt and that water looks like a dream to swim in!
