
Sunday 27 April 2014

Holiday Special: Day 2 in Aonang Krabi Thailand!

Day 2 in Krabi, Thailand! No, I'm no longer on holiday but went on a beautiful and special one about three weeks ago with my boyfriend! It was our first together and we chose to go near by to Krabi, Thailand for a beach holiday! We stayed at a hotel in the Aonang area in Krabi, our week was full of food, sun, walking, visiting shops and beach island hopping on long boats!

Check out my post for my first day on holiday in Krabi here! Day 2 can be summarized by saying that we spent the day at the beach, visted a giant 'mini' mart and then booked a scuba diving trip for the next day!

Continue below for the holiday post!
Day 2: My beach holiday in Krabi Thailand!

After a long day on our first day which included traveling and a night out walking around, my boyfriend tends to look like this anytime between 7-11 am! It's my job to wake him up everyday!
The view of the immediate strip of beach directly across the road from our hotel! Isn't the sky just beautiful!
Thailand being famous for transgendered performers and being one of more GLBT friendly countries, I was no surprised to see this! Trips that specifically cater to people who would like to be traveling and spending their trip with other gay people. It might be safer for them!
This is the front of the large mini mart right next to our hotel on the left! It's stocked with so many drinks and snacks! You can see the interior of this place in my last post here! Alcohol is sooooo cheap! 500ml of beer for 2-5 singapore dollars!
The small fridge in the coffee shop in the hotel on the other side of our hotel!
They have a nice range of drinks to pick from. Their coffees and teas are so tasty, strong and from local products!
The inside of Doi Chaang! It means coffee in thai from what I asked. It's a long interior and very cold and comfortable!
The long main road down from out hotel that leads all the way to the main beach and lots of restaurants, hotels, mini marts and shops! It's a good 20 minute walk to 30 minutes all the way which we did everyday!
A beautiful purple lotus which is not uncommon in thailand! They grow well in clay pots with water, algae, fishes and other water plants.
Sitting down for breakfast after waking up hungry and walking for 25 minutes until we were almost at the main beach! There are no places open for breakfast in the morning in this beach town! Everyone pays to eat breakfast in their hotel. We chose not to as it was just not worth the price!
Our ice sweet thai tea and green tea latte from Doi Chaang! Our breakfast at Black Canyon Coffee: Mince pork and glass noodles, gravy sauce rice noodles with chicken, fried chicken and tom yum soup set!
This is the main strip of beach but isn't the beach that tourist stay on the whole day. Long boats ferry people for a few dollars to other beaches on near by islandss!
The advertising board by the beach and the cost to go there and back!
Arriving a short 10 mins after leaving Aonang beach at Railay beach! A beautiful sandy white beach with lots of restaurants, some shops and even a few hotel resorts on the island!
Check out the beautiful landscape on the islands in krabi! The rocks have beautiful water erosion lines and the water!

On railay beach in Krabi! It's not a very long beach at all and you can walk from end to end in 15 minutes but it was beautiful and very pristine!
One of my favorite photos of us together on the beach! I had a face of make up on that day, super waterproof cream shadow and gel eyeliner with a good thick layer of my za powder that has sunscreen! It worked and I didn't get the slightly burn on my face!
The other end of Railay beach, the stunning natural surroundings just made you feel like you were a thousand miles away from civilization! It was damn damn hot though!
On the beach at Railay! The sand, the water were so stunning! I was in my favorite bikini outfit too!
On the beach before we get all hot and sweaty!
My boyfriend sitting in the hold we dug! I was so happy with the plastic pink shovel I managed to buy for $2! It helped us a lot!

The mess we made on the beach from digging and throwing stuff out!
Just look at how clear and beautiful the water is, I just love it with the landscape behind, it was a tropical escape!
We decided to have lunch at a restaurant on the beach! It's open air and you can see the beach!
It was all sunshine and wind so sitting down in the shade was nice after a few hours out in the sun!
My boyfriend had an ice super sweet thai tea and the indonesian rice set with chicken satay and crackers. I had a crabmeat fried rice with a delicious deep fried egg and we shared a spring rolls!
A whole army of long boats waiting on the shores to ferry passengers back to the main beach!
Thank god the clouds came to cover the sun! It was crazy hot waiting on the long boat!
We had to wait in the long boat until at least 8-10 people were ready to go back to the main beach!
See the army of boats! They belong to different companies though wearing different colored tops!
Boats, nothing but a line of boats waiting at the shore!
One of my favorite photos of him from the trip. I love his profile and his jawline is so strong, it's too bad it's not included here!
On the boat ride back to the main beach! The turquoise water is just breathtaking!
We decided to rest for a bit in our room and then chill by the pool!
Here's the dress I bought on the way back to our hotel and I decided to wear it out for dinner!
The beautiful purple and pink sunset on the beach across our hotel!
We ate at this small and colorful but very comfortable restaurant called "Green Pepper!"
In the afternoon right back from Railay beach, we shared an ice lemon tea pop! We shared one of the most delicious seafood fried rice since being in Krabi! We also shared a prawn cake which was so fresh and crispy on the outside and lastly a red chicken curry that unfortunately wasn't very spicy. The flavor was a bit too diluted but the vegetables were delicious!
My favorite prawn/crab/lobster flavored cracker ever. I used to eat this as a child in Myanmar when I lived there and I was sooo happy to find this GIANT bag! I didn't buy it though!
Check out my sunburn from our beach trip! My hair was usually on my left shoulder so you can see it wasn't burnt there where my hair was!
On the way back from dinner we booked a scuba diving trip for the next day which would bring us to the near by islands! This is the pamphlet for the trip and it's hilarious! I'm sure there are very few vegetables amongst us!
Drinks we bought at the giant 'mini' mart! Blue gatorade isn't found in singapore and the full sized strawberry milk from dutchmill isn't found either! I'm also a lover of oishi's sweet teas that can't be bought in singapore too! Red bull for my boyfriend of course and a cherry cola!
A regular pack of manora shrimp crackers! Dried coconut meat, instant thai sweet tea, mixed fruit sugus chewies, preserved pineapple rings and a bunch of small snacks we wanted to bring on our day trip the next day!
Cleansing wipes to use on the trip which I really ended up loving and a coconut shampoo for my boyfriend, a lemongrass and tamarind shower gel for me, an old fashioned razor for my boyfriend, a conditioner from dove for us to use while staying there and a mini ponds bb cream!
Just check out that range of instant noodles at this mini mart! A lot of them were delicious spicy soups and flavors!
Day 2: My beach holiday in Krabi Thailand!

Check out my post for my first day on holiday in Krabi here!

In summary, our second day in Krabi was a day on the beach and a day with some lovely shopping bits! We were also really hyped up about our half day scuba diving and island hoping trip the next day! Stay tuned to see the next day of our beach holiday!

Thank you so much for stopping by!


  1. Ohhhh paradise, the last time I was in Thailand was Phuket when 15 and I we passed Krabi on a boatttrip (memories). I know they are gay/trans-friendly and I think I met the first transexual person (they call it ladyboy) over there, she was so pretty.
    Your boyfriend sleeps a lot: you gotta let him put sunscreen on your back instead of letting him sleep so much ;)

  2. I love your dress!!!

    Gosh thailand looks so beautiful. All my friends recommended thailand as "the" holiday destination. I am quite keen to go now! I've been thinking about holidays, weekends, public holidays etc day and night after I started full time work lol.

    LilynotLouise | Beauty and Food

  3. omg, amazing pics! I so want to go to Thailand. Uuggghhh. It looks amazing, especially the incredible beaches. Love that black and white dress you bought - looks lovely on you :) And that sunset photo is just beautiful. But ouch, that sunburn looks intense :\ Hope your skin heals quickly!

  4. The landscape looks so amazing, I would love to go there one day! Also thanks a lot for your comment on my last recipe post. Adding salmon sounds like such a good idea and I will definitely keep that in mind :D

  5. Thailand is so beautiful! It looks like an enjoyable trip. You and your bf look so cute.

    I tagged you in my recent post, lovely!

    Sheri | Behind The Frames

  6. oh man i LOVE THIS POST!!! and i'm admittedly a little jealous lol!! i want to be on a beach vacay RIGHT NOW! omgosh everything you ate looks so drool worthy. i think we would have a lot of fun eating together because we eat very similarly lol. and you look so va va voom in that bikini! you look fantastic girl!!

    thank you so much for your comment. i really thought about deleting this blog post like a half a dozen times before it went live but i'm glad i didn't. people seem to be responding to it really positively but more than that i'm amazed at how many people can relate to it! it's seriously awesome that you lost 30-40 lbs! that's amazing. it's amazing what a positive influence someone can do for your life. i can tell how much you and your bf care for one another in your pictures it radiates through!

  7. That beach looks amazing, I'm glad the both of you had a wonderful time.
    You look gorgeous in that dress Sharlynn!

  8. everything looks so beautiful from the scenery to the food! what a great place to chill and relax :) hope your sun burn gets better. Butter on that aloe vera ;)

  9. Thailand looks amazing, the beach is so beautiful!! This post makes me so jealous lol, I SOOO need a vacation right now! You look gorgeous!! <3

  10. Oh man, I feel like I'm reliving my trip to Thailand through these photos. GORGEOUS PINK SUNSET. I remembered when I was in Thailand, I went to a drag show AND IT WAS AMAZING.But I have to admit that at the time, I didn't know Thailand was known for this acceptance, but that's pretty cool that they are :3

