
Friday 18 April 2014

Holiday Special: Day 1 in Aonang Krabi Thailand!

Day 1 in Krabi, Thailand! For all of you who aren't aware, I went away on a 5 day holiday to Krabi in southern Thailand for a much deserved and awaited beach holiday with my dearest boyfriend! After much thinking we decided on Krabi, Thailand for a super affordable and adventurous choice! It's really close to Singapore too!

I had plans since more than a year ago for some type of beach holiday and initially we were going to go away in June or July but he was finished with his work attachment from school and I cleared my leave at work and so we decided the time was right!

Continue below for our holiday photos!
Day 1: My beach holiday in Krabi, Thailand!
We both had a light lunch at the airport! My boyfriend had a nasi lemak and I had simple fried bee hoon noodles!
I had a jam donut and I got him a chocolate sprinkle covered one which he loves! Just check out that concentration while he stuffs it in his mouth!
Duty Free! I spent about almost an hour there and bought a couple lovely things! I totally regret not buying more skincare from Shiseido and make up items at the great prices!
The outdoor reception area of our hotel! After about a 20 minute van ride from Krabi airport which cost 600 Baht flat one way!
The signage in front of our hotel! A lot of hotels are not fenced in like compounds, ours had an open drive way after this sign!
Looking in from the entrance! The reception area on the left and the restaurant on the right!
Happy to have his tablet laptop at all times!
We weren't very tired as the flight was short and the transport from the airport was very quick!
The beautiful koi fish in the ponds surrounding all around the reception area!
Blooming lotus flowers in large clay pots in the koi pond!
I told him to look forward to lots of photos because this was our first getaway together!
Our cozy room! We were given a free upgrade to a slightly bigger room (this happens a lot with online discount deals and no one's complaining!) The room comes with a small balconey with chairs, a very cold mini fridge, side sofa bed, bath room with a bath tub!
Elephant towels! Our bath towels were nicely folded up as elephants! This is very common in thailand!
A great long table, flat screen tv, amazingly cold fridge, and sliding wardrobe area with a safe (very important to have one) The only problem with our room was that the air con didn't get very cold but it didn't effect our stay very much.
The seashell decor in the bathroom really gave it a beachy feel!
Checking out what's on TV!
We arrived in the afternoon after 4 pm so I changed into this outfit for the evening out!
Ready to do some walking around for the evening and ready for finding a place for dinner!

The hotel resort and their cafe that's next door to ours! This cafe had the best takeaway coffees and all so cheap!
A pay phone without a phone! I guess we gotta use our umbrella!
Along the main road are lots of taxi, tuk tuk and car services for going to attractions in Krabi!
The Aonang, All Seasons Beach Resort! Another resort down the street from us! Love the brick exterior!
This is what the regular parts of the street looks like, shop houses on the bottom and peoples homes on top!
Snorkeling gear and plastic digging bucket kits! I almost bought a set!
My boyfriend and I just loved this shed looking coffee shop. We never actually bought coffee from them but it's just such an adorably named shop! "Little Coffee"
After a slightly more than 5 minute walk down our street to the town area/main beach, we have to cross this bridge!
Posing at the bridge! It was quite smelling from the dead plants in the mangrove below!

The mountainside behind the main road! Such beautiful colors!
Just one of the MANY grocery stores! Full of snacks, sunblock, local beauty products, drinks, post cards, t-shirts, bags and all kinds of knick knacks!
There are so many cafes like this in the front of hotels, they are the breakfast restaurants of the hotel but are open for the public!
So many shop houses, guest houses, cafes and look at those motorcycles!
Such a gorgeous bike! I would have loved to steal it away!
Our first watermelon shake of the trip! I think I drank like 8 over the 5 days! It's a blend of watermelon, ice and a sugar syrup with some scented essence!
After crossing the bridge we get to this area which is a few minutes before you hit the more shop packed parts of the street with the main beach another 10 minutes ahead!
Just look at how many lines there are!
From the main road, the restaurant we were going to eat at is that building in the middle after this long road! The Lae Lay Seafood Grill Restaurant which was featured on trip advisor!
The restaurant has their own transport up the tall hill which is a 5 minute ride! It was  bumpy ride!
An open air restaurant which is medium sized, when we got there it was still early and there was only one other table of two!
Check out the view! We get a view of Aonang city and the sea! Beautiful!
Lae Lay Grill Spices Seafood restaurant! The menu was very wide and very well labelled with lots of photos!
A photo of the town below as the sun began to set!
Just look at those colors in the beautiful sunset! It was the perfect sunset for our first evening in Aonang, Krabi!
Pineapple fried rice, seafood fruit mayo fried rolls, tom yum seafood soup, fried giant tiger prawns with chilli and garlic! My boyfriend had a large Heineken too! The food is very reasonably priced but we almost didn't bring enough money and I was freaking out when I got out our wallet! This was our second most expensive meal of the trip at about $62 SGD! (Still super affordable for all that we got!)

We went back to our hotel and decided to walk back the 20 minutes slowly to let the food digest and came back out and went to a near by massage place! I had a foot massage and my boyfriend a back massage!
To end to long day we entered this big amazing grocery store next to our resort! Check out how creepy this knit cap is!
Every grocery store had tons of sunblock and skincare from boots and other local brands! I was in heaven browsing!
Just look at the range of drinks! The juices, beers and other beverages were all SOOO cheap! Beer is about $2 SGD for the regular size, fruit juices and flavored teas at about $1-3 and drinking water at 30 cents for a regular sized bottle at the cheapest!
Look at the beautiful soaps! They smell exactly of the fruit they are shaped and colored to be like! I didn't buy any though because I don't like bar soaps!
Next to his favorite drink! We were joking that he'd have a tower of red bull like that next time in our home so he wouldn't have to go out and buy them all the time!
Snacks! I thought the cuttle fish snack was sooo creatively packaged! Although very very long!

Yep. I've got nothing much to say except thailand is the best place to be lost in the supermarkets. Just check out the range of snacks! There's so much variety, it's amazing! After our browse and buying drinks for the next day, we went back to our hotel and that was the end of our first day!

It was a great first evening in Aonang, Krabi! We were looking forward so much to heading out to the beach and eating lots of thai food as well as doing some shopping (which we did get around to doing!) Look forward to my next post for the next day of our holiday!

Thank you so much for stopping by!


  1. Ooooh how I need holiday!!
    you both seemed like having a great holiday! I haven't been to this particular place in Thailand, I've been only to Bangkok ^^
    the supermarket really has great variety of everything!! unlike supermarkets here in Germany, they're mostly boring! T.T

  2. so lovely!! would love to visit 1 day :)

  3. look so happy together <3
    Amazing holidays and great pics :)
    You are so cute :)))))

  4. your holiday looks so much fun! I haven't been to this place, it makes me wanna go visit :)


  5. You guys are so cute!!! The hotel looks great! <3
    It's so weird, but all the last few Duty Free stores I've gone at airports don't have a makeup section, just alcoholic drinks and perfumes :( I've been wanting to buy makeup at duty free for ages!! I remember I used to see makeup there, I don't know what's happening.

  6. such a lovely & relaxing place!! the wires/lines and the telephone booth is almost similar here in phils, lolz =) cant wait for your next day adventure! ^_~

  7. Looks like you had a great first holiday away! I've not yet been to Krabi but we go to Phuket quite a bit, though the trip is much further from Australia than it is from you!

  8. Oh gosh, now I want to go back to Thailand!! GORGEOUS LANDSCAPES, AND LOOK AT THAT VIEW OF THE SEA. AND THAT FOOD *-*
    So lucky to live so close to Thailand! Though I've love to visit Singapore one day! :D

  9. Gorgeous photos! I adore the pictures of the sunset.
