
Wednesday 5 February 2014

Special: December BBQ party with my classmates!

Korean BBQ Party! Hey hey, you you! I know that you wanna be at my party! No way no way, I think you need some BBQ! 

Yes, I just phrased that like Girlfriend from Avril Lavigne! Last year in the last week of December, a small bunch of my class managed to meet up at a classmate's apartment in Orchard for a well deserved Korean BBQ! 

The classmate who organized it is from Korea and he ordered some pork belly from his Brother who's doing a grill restaurant here in town. Together with some salad, sauce, drinks and snacks chipped in we had a really filling, yummy night!

Continue below for the BBQ party!
Korean BBQ party with my classmates! Grilled korean pork belly!
All our side dishes! Lettuce, Jap Chae (potato noodles and bell peppers), garlic, green chilli, kimchi, grapes, assorted dim sums!
Three types of kimchi to go with all the food!
An ice cooler full of korean soju (very smooth and a bit sweet), beer and peach tea!
A small group photo! It was late evening but my camera just made the lighting so perfect! This was the first major photo taking with my new Cannon G16!

The first round of thick cut pork belly going onto the grill! (The fire took us 45 mins to start)
Here's one of our Korean chefs cutting the cooked pork the 'korean BBQ style'! We applied a bean paste sauce when grilling!
Grilled sweet chinese sausages on the side!
Our bean paste grilled pork belly and sausages! Wrap some in lettuce and away you go!
I helped to cook for a good portion of the time, I loved applying a good coat of the bean paste for flavoring, then together with a good spray of oil, they cooked so well!
Almost everyone in this photo! Seated, eating, happy and together!
My turn cooking and here posing with one of our handsome korean classmates! We both took turns cooking the pork for the night!
Check out that spread! There was also korean tteokbokki, which is the first plate above of rice cake cooked with spicy red bean paste!
With another lovely classmate! He's from Indonesia and my group mate for our final project!
That fire shooting out as we're removing the stuck aluminum sheet!

And a big cheers for the night!
Our host for the night on the right! He arranged the BBQ pit at his condo and the pork!
With one of my favorite classmates, we're complete opposites, he's quite as a statue and very underestimated!

Being cute!
Group photo time! Can you believe this is at an auto setting at night? No flash, or special lights!
We had a very filling dinner, some of the boys even had a helping of rice along with everything else! I just filled up on noodles, lettuce and pork!

Not many of my classmates made it. It was our one week break and so many were already on flights back to their home countries or had other plans already as it was also only two days before Christmas. I didn't go to any parties except this BBQ gathering so it was nice to have a rowdy filling night with friends!

Thank you for stopping by!


  1. This looks like so much fun! And the food - I'm drooling over that bean paste pork belly!! :P

  2. BBQ party is always so much fun! pork belly is my fave food in the whole world, as if they were not so fatty... T.T lol
    the pictures are all in excellent quality! the camera must be very good!!

  3. Haven't tried korean bbq. Seeing those pics makes me hungry, lol!
