
Monday 10 February 2014

Food: Home made Guo Tie (Pan fried dumplings)!

Home made dumplings! I don't know about all my other Chinese brothers and sisters out there but I would die if I didn't have dim sum every now and then. I'm just such a huge eater and lover of chinese tid bits, cuisine and food in general! I don't really have a 'favorite' dim sum as I love too many of them the same!

Ever since learning how to make pan fried dumplings, I've been making them at home every now and then, my dough is thicker than what you get at the chinese restaurants but I can't be bothered to roll them too thin and risk them breaking!

Continue below for the home made dumplings!
Home made Guo Tie dumplings (pan fried dumplings)!

My kitty sitting on my pillow, stubborn and not wanting to move!
Kitty, "You want me to move? NEVER."
The dough, after kneading and rounding. I wrap it with cling wrap and set it aside to soften.
After letting the dough rest, I cut out a piece, roll it into a long roll and then cut the pieces into about 10g bits before dusting with flour and setting aside for shaping!
I use my fingers first to press the piece down before using a handle-less rolling pin to make these dough bits into round wraps!
As seen here, this is what I get, my skills aren't so accurate that I get perfect circles yet!
After filling the dough pieces with my own home made filling, I fold them in this classic pattern!
Cooking the gou tie dumplings! You must pan fry the bottoms first on medium heat, once the bottoms are golden brown, have the cover ready to cover and then pour in about a third a thumb depth of water into the pan!
Check out that splatter spraying out of the steam hole in the cover! It's that violet, so be very careful when doing this!
Home made pan fried guo tie dumplings! Here's what it looks like finished!
My pan was too hot when pan frying the bottoms, I've sort of 'deep fried' them!
I made a filling of minced pork, lotus root and onions. Seasoned with light soy sauce, vegetable oil, sesame oil, corn starch and pepper!
Whenever I make these babies, there's never any left! Myself and my family totally enjoy dim sum of all sorts! I can't wait to make this again next time and better!

What have you been cooking at home recently?
Do you like eating Dim Sum?
Let me know!

Thank you so much for stopping by!


  1. Oh my, those are too pretty for homemade!
    Of course, I love all kinds of dim sum and dumplings. I usually go to China Town but also love authentic Korean dumplings as well. :)

  2. Cute ^^

    恵美より ♥

  3. OMG OMG!!!!
    Guo tie is my fave dumpling ever ever! you are so talented, making them from zero, even the skin you make it by yourself!! I am not very good in cooking, don't really have the patient for it. haha
    there are not much good dim sum options here in Berlin, because Berlin is one of the biggest city in Europe without china town!! We have vietnam town instead so dim sum is not the most popular..
    Fortunately we have some good asian supermarkets so I can buy all those frozen dim sum, they taste pretty okay for emergency craving :D

  4. Dear Sharlynn, am I blind or did you just made a huge piost about dumplings without giving the recipe away?? That's totally mean! I need the recipe asap because I love dumpling but I only eat the frozen ones because I never made them by hand .___. They look so tasty!

  5. Those dumplings look amazing! I love dimsum as well, and I frequently order Hakaw Shrimp in Chinese restaurants. :)

  6. That looks so delicious!!! YUMMMMMM :D

  7. Holy smokes, Sharlynn!! These dumplings look better than some of the ones I've ordered in restaurants! I gotta try this sometime. Now, I gotta wipe the drool from my keyboard. :P

  8. OmG!! it looks so yuum!! I love all your food posts!! (wanna see more too!♥ )

  9. I...WAS TOO EXCITED/INSPIRED BY THIS's so beautiful ;-;
    I'm definitely going to have to make homemade dumplings this week, THIS IS FOOD PORN!! AND THIS POST HAS MADE ME MORE HAPPIER THAN I EXPECTED.

    Vanessa | Citron and Guavaberry ʘ‿ʘ
