
Saturday 25 January 2014

Food: My December cookies! (sugar, chocolate chip, peanut butter, cranberry bread)

Cookie time! I decided many days in december to baking different types of cookies and goods for the first time the whole year of 2013. I do bake occasionally but it's not very often, hence after seeing a couple ladies in the blogsphere baking goodies for Christmas last Decemeber it inspired me to try baking a bunch of cookies!

I decided to do some soft chocolate chip, sugar cookies, soft peanut butter cookies and cranberry rolls! My boyfriend was with me with I baked the bread as he's the bread fanatic and really helped me pretty much make it!

Continue below for the baked yummies!
Christmas cookies! A bunch of cookies and some rolls I baked in the month of December!
Cranberry rolls! I was completely inspired by Ice Pandora's blog post here!
These were the last baked goodies my big oven at home baked for a whole month, as my oven's timer broke and it stopped working! These were sooo yummy, dense and sweet, we used the recipe from Vanessa and my boyfriend pretty much made them for me!
Crispy chocolate chips! I had to bake these in our small toaster oven as our big oven broke down at the time! It was a huge pain in the ass to bake 4 at once only!
After baking all the crispy chocolate chips in the small tray! Here are some of them in my big tray! I really squished them flat to bake them faster!
Super fluffy soft chocolate chip cookies!
Check out the spreading as the butter melts in the oven!
And they begin to form!
There we are! Super soft, sweet and yummy chocolate chip cookies!
They look more like cakes than cookies! And the chocolate chips sorta look like raisins!
An earlier batch I made, they cookies had way too much butter in them and spread out so much they fused together! I didn't convert the amount of butter from american measurements correctly so I added double the amount!

Peanut butter cookies! I've been wanting to make these the whole of 2013! I finally got to press my fork down to make the criss cross patterned that I love seeing!
See how uneven the heat is in our small oven! I had no choice though!
In the end these were some of the yummiest cookies ever! Quite soft but delicious!
What types of foods did you cook in Decemeber?
What cookies do you like?
Let me know!

Thank you for stopping by!


  1. I'm salivating! Didn't know you bake too!

  2. Oh Sharlynn, I'd love to know the peanut butter cookie recipe! look so yummy!
    I've been into baking mode during the xmas and winter time.. My favorite is to bake pao de queijo or brazillian cheese bread, but I always use mozzarella instead of parmesan because I dislike strong cheese flavor. they taste amazing :D

  3. WAITWAITWAIT...WHAT? I think you have me confused with someone else??? LOLWHAT I don't recall ever posting a recipe??? AM I DRUNK? HAVE I EVER POSTED A RECIPE ON MY BLOG BEFORE? HOW LONG HAVE I BEEN BLOGGING FOR????

    ER. Nonetheless, those cranberry rolls look amazing!! And ugh, I am a sucker for soft cookies! Wait, so how did the cookies turn out when you used double the butter?? Did the cookies still hold up?
    Vanessa | Citron and Guavaberry ʘ‿ʘ | Makeup & Silly things

  4. yum! The soft choc chip cookies look perfect- totally magazine worthy! Would love steal the recipe off you some time! x

  5. Wow you did so many cookies! I am really hungry now :( Unfortunately I don't have an oven so I just have to wait until I get one ;__; Have a happy week! <3
