
Tuesday 3 December 2013

Food: Home cooked dinners and eats for the last two months!

I've been cooking and eating! Yes, I've not done collective food posts like this in quite a few months but I've definitely been cooking dinners at home for my boyfriend and my family. Here's the collective post of all the dishes I've been making, eating and enjoying the last few months!

Let me know if you see anything you like that I've cooked! I mostly cook simple western fare or asian dishes!

Continue below for the scrumptious foodie photos!
Home cooked dinner: Angel hair pasta with chicken chop, stir fried mixed vegetables and fish cakes, cold tofu with pork floss, apple sauce pork chop and creamy mash!
Home cooked dinner: Udon noodles with seafood, beef and pork burger with sweet potato fries, breakfast platter with hash, fried break, coleslaw, beans and chicken (for dinner!), white wine seafood pasta!
Stir fried beef and peppers, topshell salad with sweet and spicy dressing, herbal chicken soup, stir fry yellow noodle and beef!
Lunch at Harry's: Nacho basket, Bangers and mash platter, Steak sandwich and fries! My favorite 'ban mian' which is wheat noodle soup with pork meat balls and egg with vegetables!
Star fruit slices, home made muesli, banana chips and pretzel bits!
Staff meal: When I do eat staff meals at work, which is not very often because we can only eat after the shift I have ( we don't break at all during the shift), this is what the main canteen food looks like. I will not say exactly where I work but this is from one of the biggest integrated resorts in Singapore and not the one with the park. It is amazing. I've never come across such amazing quality and variety of food at any hotel canteen, I think they are the best.
Top left: My early Thanksgiving dinner with my boyfriend's family (he made the familys turkey recipe, mash, steam vegetables and haggis!) Then there is Tahu telor or fried tofu and egg, pineapple fried rice and beef rendang all at Bumbu Restaurant!
My favorite meals, sticky rice dumplings full of mince meat (cover in sweet dark sauce and spring onions for maximum enjoyment), and lastly a char sui chicken and cripsy pork wanton noodle I made for my boyfriend and I for dinner!

I'm a huge foodie, I love eating, making food, going out to new places to try. I always make it a point to eat with my boyfriend, having proper meals together, either home made for each other, cooking together, having dinner out or ordering pizza! I love bonding through food!

Hope you had a good time checking out my eats for the last two months!

Thank you for stopping by!


  1. You're quite the chef Sharlynn!! If you hadn't noted it I would have thought everything was restaurant food!

  2. From what I can tell you're an amazing chef! All your dishes look delicious & professionally done. You may as well become a professional! haha xx

  3. man I wish we get staff meal! and so cook that you've been cooking, it's such a healthy habit as you know everything that goes into it!

  4. Yummy! Such a great chef! I love food, too, and love trying new things!

  5. Omg such amazing food! You made me really hungry. Yummy! :)

    I'm inviting you to join the Christmas giveaway I'm hosting with other bloggers

  6. wow wow wow..swietne dania !!!!!! aż ślinka cieknie :)
