
Tuesday 19 November 2013

Day out: To the SEA Aquarium at Resorts World Sentosa!

Biggest Aquarium in South East Asia! Take a (very very long walk) through the biggest Aquarium in SE Asia at Resorts World S.E.A. Aquarium! It's a amazing stop for both locals and tourist, definitely a great place, bigger than most aquarium/water world type aquatic parks in asia it holds the biggest single viewing panel and has over 800 species of marine animals!

My boyfriend and I both hadn't visited the aquarium before and decided to check it out, there was so much to see and it takes you at least 2 hours to walk through the whole thing, longer if you take photos and read descriptions and line up to touch start fishes! (all of which I did of course!)

Continue below for the amazing photos!
Day out: To the SEA Aquarium at Resorts World Sentosa!
My comfy, feminine day out, outfit! A white dress with a floral cut out under the bust, strappy sandals and a small blue sling!

Staff cleaning the tanks!

These fishes are very interesting, they just bop up and down!

A swarm of long fishes! They look so worm like!

Check out this incredibly fuzzy looking guy!
One of the most memorable fishes! It looks like jelly!

An empty shark egg bag that was placed in the tank for guest to see!
Seahorse! Check out that amazing disguise!

So many pretty colorful, soft looking sea anemone!
The funniest fishes of all, these are tiny things, they are stuck in the sand, moving side to side!
A ray that bopped up and down the whole length of the very long tank!
I was in absolutely awe when I saw the big tanks full of brightly colored fish! Sooo purple!

Giant crabs! YUM!
Check out the nautilis! They were all together at the top of the tank rocking around!
Jelly fishes!! So pretty and so round and the changing colors in the tank made them so pretty!

Octopus! It didn't stop moving and changing shapes the whole time we watched it!

A big school of fishes swimming together, the changing shape so fascinating to watch!
No, I wasn't checking out the flat head shark but the giant grouper in the back! I love groupers!
See whose sleeping half hidden?
This grouper is huge! More than a meter long! It's not the most pretty looking fish but it amazes me that this fish which we steam and eat can grow to sooo big!!

Unagi anyone? (eels)

Giant starfish! It looks soo much like the one from Pokemon!
My favorite tank of fish in the whole aquarium! Full of pink, purple, orange and yellow fishes!
Located on Sentosa Island via sky train from harbourfront vivo city shopping center!

Opening hours: Daily from 10am-7pm

Price: $38 Adult
          $28 Child (4-12yr)
          $28 Senior (60yrs & above)

This is totally a recommended stop for everyone! Kids, adults, seniors, even if you're not interested in marine biology, the sheer variety of creatures, the different habitats set up and tanks will have you fasinated!

The two major creatures which I have no photos of are sharks and the dolphins! It's hard to take photos of both as they don't stop swimming or moving! They both weren't of my interest either as the colorful funny looking fishes were more my thing!

When was the last time you visited an aquarium? 

Thank you for stopping by!


  1. wow those are amazing pictures!! I think the last time I visited sea world / aquarium was more than 10 years ago! I really should do a visit to the aquarium or zoo soon!
    I always think the underwater world is so mesmerizing and mysterious. I like it but I kind of feel afraid as well. lol ( maybe bcause the fact that I can't swim! yes, I can't swim. )
    love your dress btw!

  2. wow, they are amazing but sometimes make me feel disgusting. weeeeeee

  3. You had a great day at the aquarium if you ask me :-D awesome pictures ! It's been way too long since i've visited an aquarium. Have to change that soon, because i love it . Sö much fun to look at those beautiful creatures ;-)

  4. Great pictures!

    I have never been to something like that so it's cool to see it ;D

    Just stopped by your blog!
    Loved it instantly so I have no choice but to follow you around!! (GFC)

    Please feel free to check out my blog if you have the time !

    Also have a great Giveaway and everyone can join!


    Join my Lush & KOH GIVEAWAY!
    Come by at The Fashion Milkshake!

  5. You look lovely in white and such mesmerizing pictures.

  6. Wow, awesome pictures, so much fun to look at those beautiful creatures! It seems You had a great day at the aquarium <3

  7. I haven't been to an aquarium in so long - would love to visit! I really like the pictures of the jellyfish you took - they always look so cool. Love the white dress you're wearing too, it looks perfect for a casual day out while still being feminine and put together :)

  8. Great Post!

    I currently have an giveaway on my blog
    Check it out if you dont mind :D

  9. awesome pics...great post...soo pretty

    my recent one :

  10. Ah so many cool pictures! It sounds like an awesome aquarium. The last one I've been to was the seaquarium in Miami which had dolphin, seal & killer whale shows as long as displays of stingrays and fish & manatees and many things haha. It was awesome to actually watch the shows :) xx

  11. I love going to the aquarium! As much as I am afraid of seeing them out in the ocean, I obsess over jellyfish! Too bad there aren't many good aquariums here in Sydney...
