
Friday 2 March 2012

Review: Pure Beauty Perfect Cleansing oil/water (sensitive and regular)!

Wow, it's been a while since I've posted...but life has been messy, amazing and scary. I've just finished my mock exams with finals in a few months, that and lots of important things due in the coming weeks so I haven't given myself time to sit down and blog properly! I've got a short break now so I'll do my best.

Thanks to those who are following and I will be checking out the many posts I've missed! 

I'm sure lots of people have heard of cleansing oils. From Shu Uemura, Bobbi Brown and various organic/skin care lines that are offering a more 'natural' method of removing and moisturizing the skin.

These I picked up at the local drugstore Watsons here in Singapore when they were on sale. They're made in Korea for Watsons and are under the name "Pure Beauty". One was labeled "Normal skin w/Soybean" and the other "Sensitive skin".

Pure Beauty Perfect Cleansing Oil for normal skin with soybean
Pure Beauty Perfect Cleansing Water

To be used as a remover before cleansing the face! The regular cleansing oil has soybean properties!

Packaging and Product!

The packaging is nothing special, just practical in a clear bottle with a pump. I've used both the cleansing soy bean oil and water on my face, to clean off eye make up and on my neck. 

I had no problems with the one for sensitive skin, it leaves no greasy feeling or caused any irritation of any kind. It removes regular face make up easily as did the oil but I didn't continue using it for make up removal as my skin was going through a semi-oily phase when I used. 

The soy bean cleansing oil was another story, at first I had no issues with it. The oil smelled slightly of something strong and musky like beans and was fine at removing face make up but once the oil accidentally went into my eye it completely 'dried out' my eye and make it feel so painful even after washing the eye out with water. I never dared to use it around my eye area again just in case. My face also developed slight oil bumps on the sides after using the soy bean oil to clean my face so I stopped after a few weeks.

In the end, I used the remaining of the oil in the shower with a silicone scrubber to remove make up and because I did so under running water I never had an issue with it hurting my eyes. As for the cleansing water, I use it on my neck area to clean off any foundation/dirt from the day. 

It's too bad this product wasn't that great, I was actually eager to try out a 'cleansing oil' because of all the talk and now I've still got another bottle to finish of the water as I backed up on it since it was on sale! 

Bold things matter most to me!

  • Inexpensive cleansing oil/water
  • Easily found (locally at Watsons in Singapore)
  • Non-irritating on sensitive (my) skin
  • Easy to use
  • Soy bean oil smells a bit strongly
  • Bad reaction when oil went into my eye
  • May cause oil bumps/not suitable for oily skin types

Paid: SGD $14.90/ $12 USD (on sale/ UP (usual price) approx $20

Recommend: The cleansing water if you're looking for something to quickly wipe your face make up off with, otherwise wipes or washing your make up off in the shower I believe would be better. I wouldn't recommend the oil for anyone with really oily skin as it caused little bumps on my face. It's very mild but my bad reaction after it went into my eye I can't say much good about it.

Repurchase: No, neither of them, I've got back up of the cleansing water to finish using but they haven't replaced or made any of my regular routine better or easier.

The bottom line: Average product, didn't make my skin any better/improve my routine, bad reaction after the oil went into my eye...I'm not exactly glad when I think about cleansing oils now but will be looking out for another one in the future. Unless you're so psyched about oils and want to try everyone, just skip this product. 

Do you use cleansing oil/water? Any good? Do you experience oil bumps? Let me know!

Thanks and feel free to leave comments!


  1. I wanted to try this! Glad I didn't.. =_=" Give MAC a shot.

    1. Good to hear! I'm eyeing fancl's at the moment but I'm saving up so no new special products like cleansing oils! :(

  2. I actually like this cleansing oil, but I agree about the eye part. It's not meant for that because it leaves like a filmy white when I try to see.

