
Saturday 26 November 2011

Review: Biore pore strips! (photos & application!)

One of my must-have, cannot-live-without, everyone-can-do-it products of ALL TIME!! (yes, i'm that amazed by it)....are the "Biore Pore Pack nose strips!"

Ever since I begun using these years ago, I've never stopped being amazing by their ability to remove nose gunk every single time. When applied and used with proper techniques these simple strips can do miracles. If I could only purchase a few beauty items for the rest of my life, these would be on the list! 

Continue below for photos (some yucky ones!) and my review!! 

Biore pore strips - Original, pineapple, orange, rose & lavender (scented ones are limited edition!)

Biore pore strips -packaging for the original nose strip and the 'Resort' edition which has pineapple and orange scented strips!

A nice graphic image of how pores are unclogged with the strips...same thing on all the boxes.

Instructions....which I never need to read anymore, do take caution with dry/sensitive/blemished skin. This wouldn't make things better but may aggravate your skin.
Slighter older original...the newer one has a silver finish to the individual packing

Pineapple scented! Oh so yummy....

Orange scented!! Yummy!
Rose scented...maybe from 2 years ago? I stocked up a bunch you see...very strong and florally

Lavender scented, very strong like rose....

Packing & Product!

I love how Biore comes out with limited edition scents for these strips! The different scents and cutesy, very kawaii packaging just makes the whole product that much more appealing for something that's nasty (black heads). Although everything's originally in Japanese, the english instructions are very clear and will help beginners get  a hang of using these things in no time. 

Personally I've been using these for more than 3 years now and so I don't even bother reading the instructions. I've only ever used them on the nose but I've seen of people who use it on other parts of their face and body.

When I first started using these I didn't have as much success. I made them too wet, I touched it too much when drying, placement wasn't so great. But after many strips and attempts, I've got the steps down perfectly for my nose.

It's recommended that you wait at least 3 days between strips, I say screw that! Nowadays for the best results (most black/white heads removed) I use two strips, one after the other! Just wash the glue off and repeat...and stuff that the first strip pulled to the surface but not out will come out! It's just lovely! I rarely ever get a bumpy/pimpled nose anymore!

How I use the pore strip:

  1. Remove strip from package, break slits, peel the strip half off the plastic (<---this is so that I don't ruin it when my hands are wet later on)
  2. Scoop water from the tap and splash onto my nose area repeatedly.
  3. Dry hands and peel the strip completely off the plastic backing.
  4. Holding both ends of the strip, place on the nose and smooth down from the middle outwards.
  5. Stay in an air-conditioned area for 10-15 mins. Don't touch the strip when drying.
  6. Once it feels like a shell (hard and dry), hold both sides and peel off together slowly.
  7. Have fun checking out the yuckies!

This is what a well-placed strip should look like...

When properly placed, there should be no air gaps, try to smooth the strip over the curves of your nose once you put it on...

Gently touch either sides, if it feels hard and 'crispy' it's ready to come off!

Look at the goodies!!

The patches of glue from the strip missing below indicates it was too wet or I touched that part too much and it didn't set as well....

Biore pore strip! Yay! Out with them!
Bold are things that matter most to me!

The Pros:

  • Affordable
  • Easily avalible
  • Very effective 
  • fun scents
  • Quick/not time consuming
  • Can be done anywhere

The Cons:
  • Can be confusing (for beginners)
  • Can be painful (removal)
  • Can be NOT effective (done not properly)
  • Cannot be used on blemished skin (pimples/acne)
  • if you don't like strong scents (there is the scentless original) 

      Paid: Usually between $S4-6 depending on the type/collection

      Repurchase: ALWAYS! I have been doing so for years!

      Recommend: Definitely! But for those trying it for the first time, I'd say you may have to do it several times before getting great results. Experiment with positioning it on your nose, don't change it once it's on (that'll mess up the glue) but don't give up! These really work for everyone!

      Overall I'd give this product a 5/5!

      Have you tried pore strips? I use pore strips regularly, do you? Let me know!

      Feel free to leave comments/questions! Thanks!

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