
Saturday 1 October 2011

Special: Photoshoot for Art (Japansese street fashion Inspired looks!!)

I've been pretty much missing for the last three weeks. School has been busy, very busy, especially for art. I take Higher Level Visual Arts and so in our last year everything we do is independent of any instructions or guidance. I'm doing two projects (finishing the second) with digital pieces or photos. 

I'm looking at asian beauty and how we portray ourselves, why we go through the trouble and the effects on perception of beauty. 

I've spent weekends 6,7 or 8 hours at a time doing all the make-up, hair and creative direction. It's been a lot of hard work but it's been worth it.

I hope these photos will be a treat for the eyes...All photos were taken at home, with camera help from my dad...everything else is me! All the portrait photos here are NOT edited. Except the few noted!

Please be respectful of my work! They aren't particularly great references for the trends, they are my interpretations!

I had to improvise with a table doilie and a hair band for the head piece!

One of my favorites, Gothic Lolita....
Sweet Lolita: Pink eyes, criss-crossing lashes, flushed cheeks and a sweet pink lip!

I have to put on a wig?! But I love my hair!

Gyaru look: Tan, defined nose, baby pink cheeks, nude lips, bronze and black eyes....

And then a wig to complete the look! Hair will be lightened in photoshop for the Gyaru look!

Now for the scary one...Ganguro look...super dark, lots of white highlighting and bright bits!

Ganguro finish! Hair MUST be blonde to be Ganguro( photoshop my handy helper) and lots of colored highlights!!

Sweet lolita w/o wig...I like...

Bare faced, foundation and concealer!

More definition, super glowy!

Transformed! Only to be enhanced into a beast via Photoshop!

Much darker to show the transition from dark and blemished to make up and super fair....

Gothic eye make up! I like!

This is for the last piece in the first project...a 'beyond' beautiful type of look, I hope to portray how the look is scary, alien like and that girls should not need to look like that everyday.

Progression of photos for my first's called "Becoming Beautiful...?"...

My second project is underway, the Japanese inspired looks are part of it. I hope to post more frequently but school and going out has taken the life out of my home time!

I may consider doing more fun colorful blog tutorials after this, I really enjoyed using lots of color and false lashes!

Feel free to leave me comments/questions!


  1. Wow, that's a lot of looks. You're so creative with utilizing all sorts of makeup textures and colors. Great job!

  2. @Rainy Days and Lattes

    Thanks! I'm now more make up motivated and can't wait for our final art exhibition at school at the end of the year :)
