
Tuesday 26 July 2016

Food Post: All things eaten during the January 2016! (Home BBQ, local delights, Thai food)

Fresh, chunky, colorful FOOD! Those who have been following me for sometime would definitely know by now that I love sharing things I've eaten! January was an amazing month for food for me and the boyfriend. We had some great variety although we didn't eat too many new things. I love a good back yard BBQ, meat that has been cooked over charcoal is just far more delicious than something from the oven. Here are snapshots from January, they aren't from that many meals but I've got multiple photos for you to drool over!

Continue below for the delicious shots!
All things eaten during the January 2016! (Home BBQ, local delights, Thai food)

Monday 11 July 2016

Rave Review: ZA Liquid Foundation shade 21 or OC00 (water based)!

Water based, light and natural! For the longest time although I had used pan after pan of ZA's perfect fit two way foundation powder it took me several years before I tried any liquid foundations from them. After my great love after trying their True White liquid foundation (my review here) which was lovely, I decided to go ahead and give their other liquid foundation which is water based a try!

Continue below for the full review!
ZA Liquid Foundation shade 21 or OC00 (water based)