
Tuesday 28 June 2011

Food Rant: Home cooked Sandwhich-Burger Lunch w/ pictures!

 What was consumed?
Sandwhich-burgers©, beef satay and all the fixin's!

Yeehaw! I now shall put a © (copyright) symbol after my new word! Kidding!

Hello y'all! I shall write as if to a crowd of a thousand and with the passion of a blind man! I have a love for cooking, home cooking. Some baking but mostly western food like pastas, salads, soups and etc...(nom nom nom)

This is a short post on what I made for lunch a few days back for lunch with my mom, I hadn't even a home made burger in a while and saw some frozen chicken patties in the freezer I'd bought a while back (yes, yes...I know fresh chicken would be healthier but come on!). I couldn't let them go to waste could I?=d There was also a pack of beef satay on a stick which we've been eating for a while now. It's surprising delicious just like the real deal, it's marinated and pre-cooked and you can either grill them yourselves or we like to stick them in the toaster oven for convenience!

Ingredients used:
  • several leaves of Romaine lettuce
  • 4 short cucumbers
  • 4 small red onions
  • 2 large white onions
  • several chunks of fresh pineapple
  • 3 slices white bread
  • 2 slices wholemeal bread
  • 1 tomatoes
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 20 piece pack of beef satay
  • 3 frozen chicken patties

Here are the pics! (Warning! I look a bit crappy, woken up, not changed and went straight to cook!)

Woohoo...just look at that crispy bottom! That's how I like me eggs!

My mom's, I used wholemeal bread for her...and its a single 'storey' one...hehe
The top layer of my 'sandwhich burger'...nice juicy tomato slice!

Sunday 26 June 2011

A Quickie Post: Friday at the Library...!

Woke up at 11:30am...yes that's early considering all the other times I have in the past week! Took a shower and nothing much then realized it was time to check on this book I need for an important essay! It was availible at a library sorta near where I live (Bishan Public Library) and I reserved it online. I got my dad to drive me there since I was going to get damn heavy books!

Turns out there was far more goodness there on the shelves than I thought...I ended up not having to pay the $1.55 reserve fee for that one book which is well...a dollar fifty-five saved I guess! Checked out 9 suckers...and a couple of them were bloody heavy!

Pretty cool public library, eh? the glass rectangles literally jut out from the building and are like private areas for people to hang out, study and read...
Took pictures of my current cleansers and scrubs for a quick overview and am in the process of taking photos of shoes I bought recently!

Swatches and photos are on the way for my NYX hual!

I also spent a couple hours today scrubbing the BBQ grill stand!! Parts of it shines like its new! poor fingers!

The weather was also unbelievably cool this evening and I roasted a chicken with orange sauce and potato chunks for dinner which was amazing...too bad I forgot to take photos before everything was eaten! :(

Follow me for up coming reviews!

Saturday 25 June 2011

Make up Review: L'oreal Double Extension Mascara w/renewal serum/ Photos & Swatches!

Yay! Finally a mascara review!

Although there are many great blog photos of mascara and lashes...I get seriously cheesed when I see blurry photos that make it hard to even tell anything!

"If it is clear... post it! If not, take another photo!"
Pretty gold and blue tubes...the shape is however...a bit uncomfortable!!=d

Tuesday 7 June 2011

Review: Maybelline Lip Smooth Color & Care (Swatches)!

It's been a while since my last review but for the sake of my internal need to share the products I've tried and tested I decided another lip product would be a good step forward since I wasn't in the mood for a mascara review (although I'm dying to do one!). I'm sorry, I can't remember exactly how much they were but they were in the same group as the cheapest lip balms. Between 4-6 singapore dollars I think.

Today's review is on.....Maybelline's "Lip Smooth Color & Care" tinted lip balms!

I'd actually gotten the pink one about a year ago and loved it, I'm currently on my second tube because I rotate between many other lip products. Just a few days about I was at NTUC, never being able to avoid the cosmetics section (although I don't like buying make up at the supermarket) and I decided to get the other two colors. Initially one was for my mom but I ended up taking both for the time being. =d

Getting on with the review!!

Left to Right: Mandarin, Strawberry, Cherry